Your hometown is comforting and warm. It's filled with memories that you'll always cherish and friends that know everything about you. The inside jokes, rival high schools and those places you've spent hours at with your friends feel like the classic book you never want to put down. However, the thing is, you need to get out. I'm not saying you have to go away to college or spend insane amounts of money to travel.
But you need to get out of that town for at least a little while. Here's some reasons why.
1. You need to know who you are without these hometown people.
You need to get away from the nicknames, the rumors and the simple, "Oh, that's just so and so.. don't worry about that." You need the chance to reinvent yourself and not hold the same persona you have had your whole life.
2. Culture shocks are good.
People are different, no matter where you go. Change of scenery will only help you grow. How would you know that you're meant to be in the city if you've never left your rural town? Different people and different places are essential to grow.
3. Yes, you very well might of found the love of your life two houses down from you.
But how will you ever know if you don't travel and meet people. I'm not telling you that your high school sweetheart wasn't your soulmate, just know that theres more people out there.
4. I can promise you, nothing will ever change.
The pretty scenes that exist today will be stay the same. The same people will always be doing the same thing. Things don't change in towns where people stay to avoid change. Eventually, these things will get boring and you may regret the decision to stay.
5. Your hometown will always be your hometown.
You should never forget where you came from and always appreciate it. Your family, high school and town events will always be amazing memories, if you allow them to become memories. If you get out, you will learn to appreciate it more.
6. You'll learn who is there for you and who isn't.
I get it, she's your best friend now because you have lunch together everyday and you sit next to each other in APUSH. But the reality is, you may never talk to her again once graduation happens. However, it's an amazing feeling when you go away and those certain friends still try to keep in contact.
7. New opportunities.
The different places you go, the different people you meet. With more people you have the chance to expand your own horizons. Not only will you learn about who you want to be, but you will gain better odds in becoming that person.
8. Becoming independent.
Being on your own and away from the people that know you the best will allow you to grow. There's a multitude of people from home that I consider family (Because I've known them my whole life) and would drop anything to be there for me. When you leave home you learn that you can be independent.
9. The drama.
Every small town could film its own episode of "Real Housewives." After high school everyone wants to know what each other has done to improve themselves (or the opposite). Or when your Mom sees your friend and goes "I have a lot of stories about their parents." Do you want to be apart of this forever?
10. Allow someone else to make the memories you did.
You won't be the only person wearing that jersey, walking down those hallways or sitting in the corner booth of your favorite restaurant. Give the chance to someone else to make great memories, just like you did. And do not be angry when they do.
11. It's a small world after all.
You'll meet different people and new sights but sometimes there will always be that thing you'll find thats connected to home. It will make you realize that there will always be a little bit of home everywhere you go.
You don't need to leave for years and forget everything you once knew. You don't need to travel across the country. Just simply get out and meet new people, see new things. Even if its a state over or only for a year long. You can't grow in a town that stays the same. Give yourself the opportunity that you may miss if you stay home your whole life.