26 TV Shows That Only '90s Kids Remember | The Odyssey Online
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26 TV Shows That Only '90s Kids Remember

Please bring back the '90s.

26 TV Shows That Only '90s Kids Remember

1. Zoboomafoo

2. Rolie Polie Olie

I'll never forget when we learned how Spot got his name, and if you did, it was because he made a "spot" on the floor.

3. Bear In The Big Blue House

"So long, farewell, to you my friend."

4. Franklin

5. Bananas In Pyjamas

"They're coming down the stairs..."

6. Sagwa, The Chinese Siamese Cat

7. Oswald

8. Dragon Tales

"I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart."

9. Lilo & Stitch: The Series

If you couldn't relate to experiment 625, we can't be friends.

10. Zoom

11. The Big Comfy Couch

Was I the only one that laid down and pretended to be a clock?

12. Out of the Box

Bonus points if you can still remember that hand snap clap thing.

13. Clifford The Big Red Dog

14. The Magic School Bus

15. The Powerpuff Girls

Everyone was either a Blossom, Bubbles, or Buttercup. There was no in between.

16. Dexter's Laboratory

If you didn't go around saying, "Omelette du fromage," were you even a '90s kid?

17. Johnny Bravo

"It's a beautiful day, but not as beautiful as me."

18. Rugrats

My mom called me Angelica whenever I acted snotty.

19. Courage The Cowardly Dog

This show already gave me nightmares, and then I grew up and started reading various theories about it...

20. Legends Of The Hidden Temple

21. All That

We were so cool, we had our own SNL.

22. Goosebumps

Just in case the books weren't scary enough for you

23. Full House

Not to be confused with the upcoming "Fuller House." Have mercy!

24. Get The Picture

25. Double Dare

26. Nickelodeon Guts


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