There is a big issue that seems to be a lot in the media today. It's featured on Fox News, Good Morning America, even the Daily Show. It's popularized online by countless articles and videos. The “Dad Bod" is supposed to be the next big thing in what guys should look like.
The Dad Bod is basically looking out of shape with skinny arms and a beer gut. Like a guy who has a demanding desk job, works 9-5, and has a few kids to take care of at home so he is a little too busy to really pay attention to his appearance. It's what a lot of older guys out of their prime tend to look like, but the trend is to try to start looking like that in your 20's! It's promoted as being less intimidating and more “realistic" for guys. Some girls say that they find a guy with a Dad Bod easier to approach.
I may be biased because I pride myself with the fact that I take care of my body, but the Dad Bod is starting to become a real concern. The poster boys for these Dad Bods include many older celebrities who are caught by the paparazzi on beaches and are featured in movies looking average. Leonardo DiCaprio is referenced by some people as a perfect example of Dad Bod. He is 40 years old! Of course he has a Dad Bod. Just Google search what he used to look like in his 20's and it is nothing close to a Dad Bod.
It's unhealthy to aspire to be out of shape. Sure, you don't have to look like a Greek god but come on, take care of yourself! You only get one body in this life and you are going to stuff it with crap and be proud that you look like a melted ice cream cone? Stop reading articles and watching clips that prey on the limits of your physical potential. The Dad Bod glamorizes “an attraction to the physical manifestation of complacency."
For most young men, it is the result of laziness. Guys, you are in your late teens and 20's and it's your biological window to be great! Everything is primed for you to go out take names, be a bad ass, and look like one too. You are going to throw this opportunity away because someone on the internet decided that it's cool to be out of shape? You may experience an increase in self- confidence with the recent popularity of the Dad Bod, but true confidence comes from knowing that you work to be the strongest version of yourself. Let's be honest, most of us will have a Dad Bod in our 40's anyway. I bet you a large number of dads with real Dad Bods wish they could look like they did a few decades ago in their 20's.
Come on guys, take pride in yourself. You don't know the limits of your own potential - live up to it!