In "One Tree Hill," we were able to look into the lives of five teenagers. We laughed with them through the good times and we cried with them during the bad times, but most importantly we were given a front row seat to Nathan and Haley Scott's iconic romance. Throughout the 10 seasons of the show, Naley taught us everything we needed to know about relationships.
1. Love can come from the most unexpected places.
Haley James and Nathan Scott were definitely opposites. Haley was a tutor and an all around good girl. Nathan was an athlete and a ladies man. They ran in completely different circles. What started off as an attempt to get back at Lucas Scott eventually turned into a beautiful relationship. We humans like to stay in our own little cliques and we don't like to spread our horizons; but Naley taught us to think outside the box. You need to find the person who completes you. Someone who is different from you, but not so different that it drives you crazy. Every relationship has its rough patches, but it's the differences that can make the relationship grow.
2. The greatest gifts can come from a Cracker Jack box.
A big symbol of this iconic romance was the bracelet from the Cracker Jack box. When I first watched Nathan give the bracelet to Haley, I thought it was kind of cheesy. Then, after they officially got together and Haley would reflect on the moment, I got all mushy and thought it was super cute. At the end of the series, Nathan gives Haley another box with a nice silver bracelet inside. It took me off guard; I actually cried. If someone did that for me, I would probably forget how to talk because it is just so heartfelt and it would be something special between the two of us.
3. Not everyone will support your relationship.
There were some people who didn't think that it was true love. When the two love birds got together, Lucas was completely against them, and when they got married, even Nathan's own parents disapproved. Eventually though, Lucas and Nathan's parents were able to support the happy couple and help them. Not everyone will like your relationship, but so what? It's not their relationship. It's yours and you deserve to be happy. You can't please everyone.
4. Take the most out of your relationships.
Nathan and Haley dove right into their relationship.They risked a lot. Naley had the odds stacked against them, yet they were able to come out on top. Yes, you may be young, but live your life. Don't do anything stupid, but follow your heart. Now I'm not saying get married in high school. That's not realistic for everyone. But enjoy every friendship and relationship you have, because life is short and you only get to experience this time and place once. Make the most of it.
5. If it is really love, they will come back.
Nathan and Haley had different problems than other married couples. They were married at a young age and Haley was pregnant at her senior prom. Chris Keller tried to split the couple up and was actually the one who helped Haley go on tour. After Haley came back, her and Nathan were separated. Eventually, the couple reunited. To me, this proved that they really were in love. They were so young, and sometimes it is easy to confuse loving a person with loving the idea of being with them. But Haley came back to Nathan and they were closer than ever, and if that's not true love, then I don't know what is.
6. Always kiss in the rain.
Okay, this makes me happy. Haley and Nathan tend to have this habit of kissing in huge rain storms and never thinking twice. There is something refreshing about rain. It is cleansing. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but hear me out. Their relationship is like a beautiful flower that needs water to grow. The Naley rain kisses come at points of growth in their relationship. I mean, yeah this might be little dramatic, but who cares. Let's be real...who wouldn't kiss Nathan Scott in the rain?
7. It's important to support each other's dreams.
Nathan wanted to go to the NBA. Haley wanted to be a singer. It was very difficult for Nathan to accept Haley going on tour. Eventually, he was willing to support her unconditionally. He encouraged her to be independent and do what she wanted to do. There needs to be a balance. Letting someone have space and allowing them to do what their heart desires creates an independence.
9. It doesn't matter what you have as long as you have family.
Nathan and Haley were so close and, through it all, their bond held them together and kept them strong. There will be good times and bad times. You may be rich or poor. You might get sick or you might be perfectly healthy. Either way, the one thing that will always be there is family. When Nathan was in his accident, he was depressed and didn't realize what he had around him. He had focused on the fact that he couldn't play basketball, but when he realized what he did have, he was able to get better. This is a perfect example of the power of love and family.
Nathan and Haley Scott had so many ups and downs in their relationship, but their love for each other never swayed. They can botch teach us a lot about relationships and life in general. Cherish the little things and love with all you have. Also, don't worry. Your Nathan Scott is out there. He's just with Peyton for now.