Adele, you've done it again. Setting fire to the rain, award-winning singer Adele's new single "Hello" was released on October 23rd, and it has had us all rolling in the deep ever since. Here are 19 ways that "Hello" has impacted the last two and a half weeks of our lives… in very real ways:
1. First and foremost, it’s given us new material to sing at the top of our lungs.
2. It's made us reconsider every relationship we have with everyone we've ever met… or haven't met.
3. It’s given us an excuse to cry and eat desserts.
4. It’s given us a fun, new way to answer the phone.
5. Or to yell across the quad…
6. It's provided Twitter and Vine material for daysss. Adorable Toddler Has the Best Reaction to "Hello"
7. It perfectly compliments Drake in a way that makes us wish we were really good at DJing.
9. It gave Ellen Degeneres new material to make us all fall more in love with her. Ellen Inspired Adele's New Song
10. It’s made us realize that we're not as emotionally stable as we thought we were.
11. It gets stuck in our heads every time someone says...
12. It’s made us excited for the 2016 Grammys all over again.
13. It made us wonder if after all these years you’d like to meet.
14. It's made everyone want to downgrade to a flip phone to be as cool as Adele.
15. It’s renewed the female determination to perfect the cat eye.
16. It’s made everyone really confused about whether or not Adele actually had throat surgery… and/or a baby all within the last few years. How?!
17. It surprisingly functions as a new power workout anthem?
18. In two weeks, it has revolutionized a word that has existed for centuries.
19. It’s left us dying in anticipation for the rest of the album (released on November 20th)!