9 Steps on How to “Fall” Like a Basic White Girl | The Odyssey Online
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9 Steps on How to “Fall” Like a Basic White Girl

Because when the leaves change, basic white girls just literally canNOT be more excited about fall.

9 Steps on How to “Fall” Like a Basic White Girl

1. Drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte everyday, starting the day they come out.  Instagrams/tweets/snapchats of it are necessary, otherwise did it really happen?  Bonus points if you frequent the beverage so often that you adopt to abbreviation PSL. 

2. Pick/carve/paint a pumpkin.  Or all three.  And definitely post before and after pictures.  Plus pictures of you in the pumpkin patch, cause you’re so fall and you heart nature. 

3. Take an artsy photo of the leaves changing.  Leaves on the ground, an “artsy” perspective of a very ordinary tree (leaves as they fall from a tree are probably the most difficult to capture).  To be super basic, take pictures with friends either throwing leaves in the air or jumping into a leaf pile.  Don’t forget the fake laughs.  Insert punny caption including the word “fall” (Maybe girls are the ones you should fall for and guys are just people to have fun with). 

4. Talk about how much you love fall all the time.  Insert it into every conversation possible.  Obviously do so while ignoring the fact that you say the same thing about every season (in the winter after a pretty snow fall, in the spring when the flowers bloom, or in the summer when you’re sitting tanned on the beach).  Tweet it constantly.  Make yourself stand out, cause most girls like summer and you’re different cause you like fall. 

5. Wear a chunky sweater/button down, dark wash jeans/leggings, riding boots and a scarf.  At all times.  The options allow you to dress it up or down, but you may not stray from the formula.  This is the white girl uniform of fall. 

6. Plan a Halloween costume that is clever, unique and sexy all at once, but forget being practical or comfortable.  Plan to freeze all day and night.  Bonus points if you don’t find a single girl with the same outfit (by dressing as any sort of animal, you forgo your bonus points). 

7. Show off your wifey skills and cook/bake something that is just sooo fall.  Bake some pumpkin bread, frost pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing or grill up some squash that you got at the cutest farmer’s market that you absolutely love. 

8. Definitely go on Pinterest and look up fall crafts.  Start gluing fake leaves and mini pumpkins to as many projects as possible because you are festive and you love fall and ain’t nobody gonna forget it. 

9. Host a get together for a game, or actually brave it and go.  Make sure your outfit is on point and in all the right colors for your team (guys love that).  Temporary face tattoos or stickers on your cheekbone are a must.  You love sports, and especially football, because football season is during the fall AND YOU LOVE FALL.

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