10 Budget-Friendly Places To Shop For Activewear
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10 Budget-Friendly Places To Shop For Activewear

Because breaking a sweat shouldn't break the bank.

10 Budget-Friendly Places To Shop For Activewear
Isaac Lane Koval

Whether you love it or hate it, working out is necessary in order to feel (and look) our best. Living an active lifestyle is important to maintaining not only our figures, but our health as well. Although hitting the gym or attending that yoga class a few times a week can be a struggle, dressing the part doesn't have to be. Many retailers offer a range of sporty and stylish activewear, but those basic leggings and jackets come at a price (I'm looking at you, Lululemon); however, there are affordable options out there that offer fashionable and functional activewear that will leave you feeling like a million bucks without breaking the bank. Whether it be to show off that cute new tank top or show off for that cute new guy at the gym, these budget-friendly options for activewear will motivate you to get up and get active.

1. Forever 21

Forever 21 is known for their fashionable and affordable clothing, shoes and accessories; however, they also offer a wide range of fun and functional activewear, including shorts, leggings, jackets, tank tops, sports bras, socks and even accessories. From mesh-paneled leggings to yoga mats and running shorts, Forever 21 is a great option for staying active and staying on budget.

2. H&M

Similar to Forever 21, H&M offers a wide range of high-quality clothing at low prices. Although H&M may be known for their affordable work-ready options, they also have a selection of cute and comfortable sportswear. Whether you are looking for a pair of basic black leggings or something bright and bold, H&M will become your go-to place for activewear.

3. Old Navy

While the mention of Old Navy may give you flashbacks of American flag T-shirts the whole family dawned at one point or another, this store offers a lot more than embarrassing childhood memories. In addition to flip flops, jeans and swimsuits, Old Navy also offers a great selection of affordable and adorable activewear. Whether you want to stock up on yoga pants or tank tops, Old Navy will not disappoint when it comes to workout wear.

4. Target

Target is my go-to store for pretty much everything and workout gear is no exception. Offering a large selection of tops, jackets, leggings, shorts and loungewear, Target is a great option for one-stop shopping. In addition to the wide range of activewear the store offers, you can also pick up yoga mats, hand weights, water bottles, hair accessories, workout DVDs and anything else you may need to get fit and look great doing it.

5. T.J. Maxx/Marshalls

If you love a specific activewear brand, such as Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, or Puma, but don't love the price tags attached to these high-end brands, T.J. Maxx and Marshalls are for you. They offer a great selection of sportswear from your favorite brands, but at significantly discounted prices. In addition to scoring some great deals on your must-have running shorts and sports bras, these stores also offer a wide range of workout accessories, such as gym bags, yoga mats, earbuds, foam rollers and dumbbells. With everything you need all in one place, it will be hard to find an excuse not to break a sweat.

6. American Apparel

This is a great option for stocking up on basics, such as T-shirts, sweatshirts and tank tops. American Apparel offers a wide variety of styles and colors of activewear and loungewear that is perfect for hitting up the gym, going for a run or trying out that new spin class. In addition to having a great selection of leggings, sports bras and running shorts, American Apparel also offers performance packs, which allow you to purchase multiple workout wear items for one affordable price.

7. Walmart

Walmart is known for offering a wide variety of goods at severely discounted prices, so it's no surprise that their activewear made it onto this budget-friendly list. While you may not have considered shopping for sportswear at Walmart, they offer a wide variety of leggings, shorts, yoga pants, T-shirts, sweatshirts and tank tops, all at ridiculously low prices. Whether you are looking for T-shirts or tank tops that offer words of inspiration or leggings to get you from the couch to the gym, Walmart has you (and your wallet) covered.

8. Kohl's

Much like Walmart, Kohl's has pretty much anything you can think of—including activewear. For a discounted price, you can pick up some of your favorite name brand items, including sportswear from Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Under Armour and Puma. In addition to offering a wide selection of running shorts, leggings, tank tops, jackets and loungewear, Kohl's also carries workout accessories, including fitness trackers, water bottles, gym bags and more. Plus, you can pick up a new pair of running shoes or sneakers while stocking up on all of your other sportswear staples.

9. rue21

While they don't offer a huge selection, rue21 does have a range of bold and bright leggings, shorts, sports bras and tank tops. From T-shirts that offer a bit of sarcasm to compression tights you can see from a mile away, rue21 offers great pieces that show off your personality (and your body). If you are looking for something sporty and sassy to wear to your kickboxing class, pilates or hot yoga, look no further than rue21.

10. Fabletics

Although this may be one of the pricier options on this list, the clothing is by no means unreasonably priced. Offering a wide range of athletic tops, shorts, pants, jackets and accessories, Fabletics gives you options based on your style preferences and the types of activities you do. In addition to offering a great selection of activewear, Fabletics also allows you to purchase entire outfits for one low price (plus, you can get your first outfit for only $25!).

11. Active Apparel

If you are looking for workout wear that doesn't break the bank while suggesting you would rather be eating pizza or watching Netflix (or anywhere other than the gym), then Active Apparel is for you. Offering a large selection of graphic tank tops and T-shirts, Active Apparel will show off your sense of humor (and your muscles). The best part about this website is that you are able to choose a design and then decide what color and style you want, whether that be a black tank top or a gray sweatshirt, all at an affordable price.

Whether you are a gym rat, cardio bunny, yoga enthusiast, serious athlete or fitness beginner, working out doesn't have to be boring (and neither does your clothing). With all of these affordable options, choosing fashionable and functional activewear that you feel comfortable and confident in will be a breeze (even if your workout isn't).

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