10 Reasons Why The Palouse Is Better In The Fall
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10 Reasons Why The Palouse Is Better In The Fall

It's not just because we get to start wearing our favorite boots again.

10 Reasons Why The Palouse Is Better In The Fall
Amelia Pfeiffer Photography

The Palouse; the famous rolling hills that stretch for miles throughout Northern Idaho and into Eastern Washington. Though they are responsible for bearing the most lentil crop in the USA, many of us know them for their stunning array of seasonal colors. From the beautiful green in the early spring to the golden acres that come to life in the fall, it is evident that the town of Moscow, Idaho, changes seasons along with it. And there are many reasons as to why the small towns nestled into these rolling hills are truly better in the fall.

1. The University of Idaho Campus

The first thing that was ever mentioned to me when I learned about the University of Idaho, was that “you HAVE to see it in the fall.” Evidently, my grandmother wasn’t lying; because this campus is iconic for the way it perfectly compliments the hundreds of trees planted around it’s brick buildings and the timeless ambiance that it all portrays.

2. The Iconic Palouse

These gorgeous rolling hills are what Northern Idaho is known for. In the fall it looks like a sea of gold that stretches for miles, sitting amongst mountains that create on of the most beautiful color contrasts ever seen.

3. Moscow Farmer's Market

From handcrafted jewelry to locally grown vegetables and fruits; the farmer's market is home to all things quirky, homemade, and homegrown.

4. The University of Idaho Arboretum

This 63 acre botanical garden and arboretum is perfectly nestled amongst the Palouse and is home plants and trees from four geographic areas; Asia, Europe, Eastern North America, and Western North America. It is amazing during all times of the year, but especially so in the fall.

5. Friendship Square-Downtown Moscow

During the warmer months in this quaint little town square, kids are able to play on the swing-set and throw coins into the fountain, and adults are able to relax on the benches in between breakfast and shopping. In the fall it takes on a new persona; it becomes a scene of calmness and beauty.

6. Vandal Football

If there is anything that fall signifies, it’s football season. And if there is anything that Moscow is good at, it's celebrating for a local football game. It’s an amazing atmosphere to witness and win or lose, it is guaranteed the vandals will have a good time doing so.

7. Bill Chipman Palouse Trail

This paved trail follows the original route of the Union Pacific Railroad and connects the small towns of the Palouse across the Washington-Idaho border. It is widely used by cyclists and casual strollers alike, providing an incredibly scenic workout or commute to work.

8. Moscow Mountain

A favorite destination for all adventuring Moscow residents, Moscow Mountain provides resources for cyclists, runners, and hikers during all seasons. There are no designated trails, so it is a perfect environment for exploring. During the fall months, the grasses take on a golden hue and it becomes the perfect environment for a sunset hike.

9. Elm Street

Home to University of Idaho’s original Fraternity and Sorority Row. For first time visitors, it seems like something out of a Hollywood movie. Mansions, one after another, all along the same street lined by giant Elmwood trees. Stepping onto this street is like taking a step back in time to the original founding of the University’s Greek life. During the fall it becomes a picturesque scene.

10. Palouse Sunsets

Palouse Sunsets are like no other, no matter the time of year. However, they are especially so in the cooler months.

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