Disney princesses, we have all heard of them. Mulan, for instance, is a strong representation of feminism and warrior skills. Tiana, who is the first black Disney princess, represents the want to adventure and fulfill your dreams. But it is 2016 and I think it is strange that we don't have a Jewish Disney Princess yet. Well, it is time for this to change. Here are 10 reasons why it would be pretty neat to have a Jewish Disney princess:
1) She can eliminate stereotypes:
She can have blond hair and blue eyes. People automatically assume that if you are Jewish, you won't have blond hair or blue eyes. By creating a Jewish Disney princess with blond hair and blues eyes, Disney can eliminate this stereotype.
2) Or she can fully embrace the Jewish Stereotype:
She can be brunette, have brown eyes, and have family origins from possibly Sephardic or Ashkenazi heritage. Why not? She should be proud of what makes her who she is. After all, that is what makes a princess a princess: someone who is proud to be who they are and not let anyone say otherwise.
3)Â She could speak yiddish at home:
Haven't we all heard of the phrase "Oy, vey?" Maybe you have even said this phrase. Well, that's Yiddish for you.
4) She could live in Israel:
Israel is the Jewish homeland so this would be a well suited place for her to live. Plus, we have no Disney films that take place in Israel.
5) She can have a caring Jewish mother:
Because who doesn't want to come home to fresh matzah ball soup?
6) There could be a bar or bat mitzvah scene with a ton of presents:
Because Bar and Bat Mitzvah scenes are always fun to watch in movies. Think of Drake's Bar Mitzvah parody.
7) People who aren't Jewish will finally learn that Jews go to synagogue and not church:
We see plenty of cathedrals in films where princesses go to marry their prince charming, but why don't we see many synagogues? No reason why, we just don't. Unfortunately, most people who aren't Jewish don't even know what a synagogue is. If we were to have a Jewish princess, the general audience can be more informed of what a synagogue is.
8) Possibly enjoy eating matzah ball soup:
Once you try matzah ball soup, you won't turn back.
9) Possibly address a concept of anti-Semitism:
Maybe the Jewish Disney princess will be fighting to end anti-Semitism. This will be an informative way to address to a general audience that equality is important.
10) And most of all:
Her mother will encourage her to marry a Nice Jewish Boy.
Disney, let's embrace equality!