There is nothing like California's Bay Area. So you want to be in the center of the tech industry? Check. Hoping for phenomenal professional sports teams across the board? You got it. Looking for a plethora of historical museums and renowned parks to go to on the weekends? For sure. A tourist destination for people from all over the world, the Bay Area is a place many of us call home. And if you’re lucky enough to be one of these people, odds are you can definitely relate to these #JustBayAreaThings.
1. When you tell people that you’re from California, they tell you about that one time they visited L.A.
A swing and a miss.
2. You've seen “bay” switched out for “bae” in way too many Instagram posts
Good one!
3. Steph Curry’s family.
Enough said. (Not seen: baby Ryan.)
4. “Hella.”
It effectively emphasizes your point.
5. You're environmentally conscious.
Always putting the Earth first.
6. The Flintstone House.
The eighth wonder of the world.
7. The drive to Santa Cruz is not a drive you want to take.
Are we there yet?
8. Whether you're ashamed or proud of it, you're definitely a wine snob.
Earthy? Oaky? Crisp?
9. You never truly appreciate good Mexican food until you've left California.
I'm so sorry I left you.
10. Google bikes. You definitely know about them and you may have even stolen one.
Perhaps on your walk to find an Uber pickup spot after a Shoreline concert. #sloppyshoreline
11. On that note, you're completely used to sharing a hometown with companies like Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter.
Welcome to Silicon Valley.
12. You forget that not everybody has a view from their highway like that from 280.
Is that not the norm?
13. You know that the beach is often colder in the summer than in the winter.
But to be honest, it's pretty damn cold all year round.
14. You don't call it Cali.
Please just remove it from your vocabulary.
15. In-N-Out is a food group.
People are very passionate about this one.
16. You feel like you've failed when you forget to bring your reusable bag into Whole Foods.
You just know you look like a foreigner.
17. Wherever you end up, the Bay will always have a special place in your heart.
*Heart Eyes*