Going to College & Living at Home | The Odyssey Online
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Going to College & Living at Home

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Going to College & Living at Home

It is often mistaken that, just because you are now a college student, you must live on campus, or in an apartment. Well, that is actually 100 percent incorrect. I attend Troy University, and although I do not live in Troy, I live twenty minutes away. I have been asked numerous times why I have not moved out: “Caylee, you are almost twenty years old. Why don't you move out?” I hear these things all the time. Blah blah blah. I have now arrived at the point that I am tired of answering these questions. Here are six reasons why I thoroughly enjoy living at home, with my parents:


This is the obvious answer. Not only am I free of a potentially tiny dorm, but I am also free of housing payments! Not living on campus has kept me away from that hassle we, as college students like to call STUDENT LOANS.


Who doesn't love momma's cookin'? If you are anything like me (raised in the south) you love good fried chicken, sweet tea, and cornbread. The only way I truly love it is if Momma or "Maw-maw" cooks it. I would not be able to get that if I moved away. If I get hungry, there is always something in the pantry. The same cannot be said for a college dorm room. My friends are always saying how they never have any food. They constantly make Wal-Mart runs, but are never really satisfied.


I know, I know. Troy does have a pool or two students can visit. But, those pools are nothing like a pool at your own home. I know for a fact our home pool is clean, and if there is any tinkle in it, I am pretty sure it's mine and I'm okay with that. When swimming/laying out, most people want peace and quiet, or want to listen to their own music. This is something that is nearly impossible to accomplish at a public pool. The pool at my house is a perfect relaxation place for me and I'm only ten feet away from it!

4. PETS.

Everyone may not have pets, but I do. We have three Pomeranians and one “Heinz-57” dog. I love all of them. When students leave for college, they are leaving their pets behind. Some pets have a tendency to forget what their owner looks/sounds like after they have been gone for a long period of time. I would be heart broken if my pets forgot who I was, but luckily I do not have to worry about that!


Paying to do my laundry? No sir, no m'am! At home I have free, unlimited access to our washer and dryer! Not only do I have that, but I also have a mother who loves me very much and washes my clothes 97 percent of the time. I know that washing clothes in a dorm room is such an annoyance, especially if you are in a smaller dorm. Thankfully I do not have to worry about that. However, my boyfriend is moving to Auburn in the fall and I have already been bugged about washing his clothes when I come to visit. Oh well, once every couple weeks won't hurt, but he will learn!


I love my family to pieces. Without them, I would get nothing done. Sure we fuss and such, but what family doesn't? I love having them in arms reach. When something is wrong I don't have to FaceTime to talk to Mommy or Daddy, I just have to walk downstairs and hug them. They are my heart and without them, I am not quite sure I would get up in the mornings. They are my personal alarm clocks. My mother literally beats on the wall at the bottom of my stair case in the mornings to keep me from being late for those 8 a.m.'s.

Also, do not fret about being involved. If anything, living off campus gave me more of an initiative to do so. I joined a sorority in the spring of my freshman year, became a part of a social media group, and even got a part-time job on campus.

I am by no means saying that living on campus is a bad thing. I just prefer living at home because I am a very big homebody. One thing I'm not sure I believe I am missing is the full “college-experience”. Who knows? I may venture out and live in an apartment for a year or maybe not; I'm afraid I might like it.

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