Lately on social media, there has been a large outcry against 2017. People are saying that nothing is going to really change in 2017. That time is an illusion. That December 31st, 2016 and January 1st, 2017 are more similar than different. And of course, they are right.
But who cares? We all know that 2016 has been the worst. If it makes someone feel better to have high hopes for 2017, why shouldn’t they? Why can’t they feel like they could start fresh on January 1st? We, as a universe, have exhausted ourselves when it comes to 2016. We have repeatedly been let down, disappointed, and shocked at what is going on around us. We had no hope left for 2016. But people still look towards the future with hope, and I think that it’s important to note on. After all the bad things that have happened in 2016, people still believe that there is a better tomorrow. And if it isn’t, I believe that we will keep hoping. I hope that in 2017 more people will take action, volunteer more, donate to charities. I believe people will keep in mind the legends that we have lost in 2016 and what they stood for. I think that people would want to continue honoring their memories and make this world a little better, kinder, because of them.
There are also a lot of think pieces going around telling everyone to stop making New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because people believe that they are setting themselves up for failure. I only slightly agree. I believe resolutions are great. To have any sort of goal list is important to keep your mind focused and a great reminder on what you are set out to do. I do think people are making very difficult resolutions to fulfill. If you have a resolution to go to the gym everyday or to quit drinking, you are most likely going to fail. If you have any sort of number in your resolutions, you’ll probably fail. And once you start failing, you get discouraged and stop all together.
I’m encouraging you to make resolutions, to hope for a better 2017. Just make your resolutions as vague as possible. That means no numbers. For example, one of my resolutions is to drink more water this year. That’s it. I’m not saying that I have to drink eight glasses of water everyday. I’m just saying I want to drink water more. You can do the same thing with any other resolution. I want to workout more. I want to drink less. This way, you are at least giving yourself a chance to accomplish your goal. I also think it’s important that you keep your resolutions somewhere where you will see them from time to time. I'm writing mine down in a notebook, in my planner, and on my phone. This way I can remind myself that I wanted to make a change. It’s a good way to see how far you’ve come.
So I say have hope for 2017. Make resolutions to your heart’s contentment. But you don’t have to make resolutions or believe anything will change in 2017 if you don’t want to. But don’t crush us who do want to believe and make changes. Here’s to 2017 being better and to us being better in 2017!