There's a wide variety of students here on campus, and many of them fit into several categories at once. Rarely are they ever just one. Do you know anyone that fits into these categories?
1. The Football Fanatics
To be honest, you could probably find these kinds of folk at several universities. But at Texas State, they are veryloud, very apparent, and very intensely loyal. The stands are always packed at games, it seems like every Greek life house is there, and even from far away, the sea of maroon and old gold is daunting. At times, you might question if these people's first words were "EAT 'EM UP" because of how often the words leave their mouth! But don't judge them for being spirited; after all, if it boosts our confidence and brings our school closer together, what's the real harm? Let our Football Fanatics be themselves; they're what gives our school the strength it needs.
2. The Study Buddy
3. The Recreation Junkie
Whether it's the on-campus Recreation center, your apartment gym, a neighboring gym, or just running around campus, The Recreation Junkie is there to make you feel bad about not working out during your free time. They'll be running up and down the Alkek stairs (which, how), doing lunges up the hill leading to the UAC, parkour'ing up the many brick walls and name it. And the times that you see them in dining halls, they're either doing one of two things: picking up a salad, or piling on plate after plate of calories because they're trying to "fuel up". What .
4. The Party Hard Crew
As much as many Texas State students hate to admit it sometimes, there is a reason why one of the things we're known for is our parties. They're constantly happening, whether you know it or not. However, the odds are that you do know that they're going on because The Party Hard crew will always come back from their little shindig loud and singing and shouting and likely somewhat drunk. But hey, at least they're back safely and hopefully didn't drive that way.
5. The Club Hopper
6. The Lost Lamb
While about 85 percent of this category are freshman, DO NOT assume that they all are. Lost Lambs are most prevalent at the beginning of each semester. Texas State is a relatively large campus, and even upperclassmen can have a hard time finding where the heck they're going. If you see a Lost Lamb, help them out. Whether you'd like to admit it or not, you were one too at some point.7. The Substitute Parent
These can be a little harder to find, but be forever grateful whenever you do find one. It can be hard sometimes to have another person other than your actual parent nagging you about your studies and your poor sleeping habits, but the reality is, you need it. You'll need it when you're sick and they're there to help take care of you, to help you when you're stressed or when you're heartbroken. If there's one thing I've learned here at Texas State, it's that while the campus is large, so is it's heart. There are so many caring people here on campus. Right next to your real parents on your speed-dial is your Substitute Parent, because you know that they too will always be there for you.
8. The Quidditch Player
I know what you're thinking, and yes, I mean the Harry Potter sport of Quidditch. It's one of the most popular sports here on campus and for very good reason. The club is full of so many people that I dare to say that every 1 in 10 people on campus is a Quidditch Player. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that they play; you don't have to play the game to join the club. But for those that do, they go hard. Don't believe me? Try looking up one of their videos .
9. The Serial Sleeper
If you haven't met one, you probably are one. There will always be that person who can sleep for hours on end. And on Texas State, you'll see them sleeping everywhere. I work at the campus library, and I've seen a lot of crazy Serial Sleepers. Finals really take a toll on people, you guys, and I get that. If anything, I just look at these people and my heart goes out to them because I feel you, bro.
10. The Swiper
Money is a huge deal in college, and a lot of people are short on supply. However, meal trades can be pretty pricey to pay for on top of tuition. So what's a person got to do when they're hungry and they need a swipe? Easy, just ask for one. It's not "Swiper, no swipey" here at Texas State. Once again, everyone just kind of gets where you're coming from, so they'll have your back.
11. The Swipe Fairy
Speaking of having your back, there will always be those who literally have everyone's back. Though they're much more prevalent near the end of semesters, when even those with meal trades are all out of swipes, they're actual Texas State angels. They will be the ones loudly asking "Does anyone need a swipe?", or sometimes you won't even see them coming. You'll be at the front of the line, ready to take out your ID, when the person at the cash register says "It's okay, you've been paid for". The Swipe Fairy is usually someone who just needs to get rid of their swipes, so they'll pay for the next five to ten people behind them. Whoever you are (and you know who you are), thank you for your generosity. You're awesome.