Helpful Hints For Starbucks Customers That Benefit Everyone
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Helpful Hints For Starbucks Customers That Benefit Everyone

Know how to order your favorite drink politely and efficiently.

Helpful Hints For Starbucks Customers That Benefit Everyone

There are certain things I've come to learn being a Starbucks barista that would be beneficial knowledge to the general public. Things that either your barista is dying to tell you but doesn't want to come off rude or things that you may not have known and will help you when it comes to ordering.

1. Saying your drink in a weird way to get around the price is aggravating.

I've had people come in and say they want, for example, two shots, syrup, and steamed milk. That is just a grande syrup latte, but they say it that way hoping the cashier will just charge them for two shots and syrup. I catch it, but some workers don't and they charge you for the wrong thing and then the customer gets mad at me for charging them more than the last time they were here. Don't be that person.

2. How to get in and out of a Starbucks quickly.

In order to have the quickest transaction possible while getting your order in, there is certain phraseology that could help. Say whether you want a hot or iced drink first, then your cup size, then your drink, then your name. If you have additions or specifications to your drink you can say those while they are getting your cup or in the order that they are found written on the cup. If you memorize your drink in this order, the cashier will be able to quickly write your order and get it in the line of cups so that the baristas can start making it. Also, if you don't have time to wait for a drink and there is a long line of cups in queue, getting brewed coffee or hot tea will be the quickest options because you get those drinks immediately.

3. We actually enjoy making complicated drinks.

Seeing a drink in line that is not your normal vanilla latte is actually a relief because it gives us a challenge and we get a break from the same, mundane routine. However, we don't usually enjoy those crazy secret menu drinks that people find on the internet. We have no idea how to make them and I don't particularly want to look up the recipe on that website to make four different frappuccinos for one cup and figure out how to charge that. Of course, we will make it if you ask for it, we're just not ecstatic about it. So, don't be afraid or feel badly about adding soy, an extra shot, or an abnormal combination of syrups.

4. Don't complain about the prices.

I, a barista, am just a lowly servant of the Starbucks corporation, and I, a barista, have no control over the prices, believe it or not. Getting mad at me when ordering your Venti frappuccino does no one any good for you are shooting the messenger, preaching to the choir, and many other idioms that won't get us anywhere. I'd love to stay and chat about economic decline and inflation of the dollar, but there seems to be a long line of folks behind you waiting for their coffee so that they can get to work and fix that very problem. Have a good one!

5. If we mess up your drink or you don't like it, we can gladly make you a new one.

It is actually in our rules and expectations that we can re-make your drink for you! Someone may have mindlessly forgotten your espresso or you are not a fan of how sweet the drink is, and either way, you can ask us to get you a new one. After all, if you're paying that much for your coffee, you should expect it to be perfection!

6. The reason your name is often spelled wrong.

It's here. The answer to the question you've been asking yourself, your friends, and all your social media followers for your entire short lifetime. After working the register for a long time, I've come to understand how it happens. No, we are not required to be illiterate before we're hired and, no, we don't purposely spell your simple name wrong. When you're standing taking drinks for hours at a time and your mind is numb from all the different conversations you've had and cups you've written, things grow fuzzy. You are in your routine going steady through tons and tons of people. So, the same reason I may ask you if you want your receipt before I've even said hello is the reason why you get funny spellings of your name. My brain isn't really working at that point and my mind suddenly goes blank when you say to me "John," and I'm thinking what is a John? I'm not really going to worry about fixing it or asking you to repeat it if were all in a hurry to get coffee or get through the line of people. So, there you go. Please, Britanney, don't take it personally.

7. Getting angry at an employee at any store is unnecessary.

Whether we have run out of the topping to your favorite drink or the half-n-half at the customer bar is out, getting mad is really not necessary or polite. We may be super busy, things may be out of our hands, or someone could be having a rough day. Just put yourself in our position. You know what it's like if you have ever had a customer service job. Try to be understanding and I'll do the same for you. Kindness and politeness go a long way after all, and you never know, someone may feel the need to give you a discount to return the generosity.

8. If you don't think your random, not-on-the-menu combination will be good, it probably won't be.

Sometimes I just don't have the heart to tell an eager customer that their peppermint mocha cinnamon chai with espresso is too much syrup and cannot taste good. If you decide to experiment, I'd ask a barista for an opinion--who is usually something of a coffee connoisseur--if they think it sounds like a good investment of your time and money. We may even suggest other options that we know are good because we've tested it out for ourself.

I hope these hints were helpful and cause you to have an efficient and delicious Starbucks experience. Have a good day and your drink will be ready at the bar in a few.

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