10 Signs You're A Crazy Dog Person | The Odyssey Online
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10 Signs You're A Crazy Dog Person

Some people have significant others. I have a dog.

10 Signs You're A Crazy Dog Person

You know that token friend who spends the majority of their day taking pictures of their dog or bringing them up in any conversation possible? Chances are they're a crazy dog person. But hey, there's nothing wrong with that because dogs are perfect, impeccable creatures that deserve the world.

Want to know if you fit the category? Here are 10 signs you're probably a crazy dog person.

1. Your camera roll is filled with pictures of your pup.

Seriously, it's like being an adult who just had a baby and keeps posting pictures of it all over social media. Newsflash: I don't care about your baby unless it has four legs and droopy ears.

2. You refer to your dog as your child.

Yeah yeah, I know this is kinda weird, but when you're a crazy dog person, it feels almost as if your dog has been a member of your family for a lifetime. Whether they're a few months old or 13 with arthritis and cataracts, they're still your adorable little baby child.

3. You can't escape the dog hair.

No matter how many lint rollers you own, there seems to be no way to avoid the clumps of dog hair that stick to your favorite black jeans. Instead of getting upset about it, you embrace it. One time freshman year of college I was eating in my dorm and found one of my dog's hairs tucked between the bread of my sandwich and instead of saying "ew" like a normal person would upon finding animal hair in their food, I said "aw". That's when I knew that rock bottom felt a lot like committing to my future as a crazy dog lady.

4. You go out of your way to pet any dog that you see.

Running late for work but there's a 3-month-old golden retriever across the street? Bet your ass you're sprinting over there to nuzzle that little nugget of happiness instead of fulfilling your responsibilities. If there's a dog out there, it is our job to pet them no matter the cost. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

5. Dogs flock to you like you're Mother Goose.

When you're a crazy dog person, dogs can sense that and find it very easy to trust you. Wherever you go, pups from all across the land are coming over to get some of your love. I can't go anywhere without making a new dog friend.

6. Your idea of a happy future is a home filled with dogs.

When people ask me about where I see myself in 10 years, I say: With a doctorate, living in a home I love, and sitting on a couch with dogs on either side of me.

7. You talk to your dog as if they're a person.

My dog has listened to me rant about problems at school and I've even gone as far as asking him what he thinks about my outfits before I leave the house. IS this weird? Yes. How about unconventional? Absolutely. Will I ever change? Probably not.

8. Your favorite part about coming home is the idea that you'll be greeted by your best friend.

Sometimes when I'm at school I day dream about the stress and anxiety melting away the minute I curl up next to my dog. There's something so therapeutic about snuggling up with your dog after a long day and you crave that feeling when you're away.

9. You get oddly defensive when someone says they don't like dogs.

When you hear someone say "I don't really like dogs that much", smoke comes out of your ears like you're an old cartoon. How does anyone not like dogs? How can you not like the sweetest animals on the planet?

10. You can't imagine your life without them.

People who love dogs are the best kind of people. They value love, companionship, and loyalty, and they devote their lives to making these animals happy and healthy. And to be honest, life without dogs seems pretty boring. The thought of not owning a dog of your own actually makes you emotional and sends you into a deep, confusing existential crisis.

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