Here are some things no college student wants to hear around finals week.
1. The final is cumulative.
2. There are no multiple choice.
3. Oh, and also the test is at 8 a.m.
4. How many finals do you have?
5. Oh, I only have one.
6. It's on the first day.
7. I can't wait to go home.
8. It's a really easy class, I'm not too worried.
9. I probably won't even study.
10. Wanna go to the bar?
11. It's BOGO night!
12. Are you sure?
13. Fine, I'll ask your roommate.
14. You look really tired, maybe you should take a break from studying.
15. Are you feeling well?
16. Why does that textbook look like the pages got wet?
17. The campus book store won't buy it back if you've cried on it.
18. OMG! I have a friend who took that class.
19. Yeah, they failed the final. I guess it was really hard.
20. Good luck, though!
21. So there's this really cool show on Netflix you should check out.
22. It's only three seasons, you could do it in, like, two days.
23. Have you stopped crying today?
24. This week?
25. In general?
26. Do you have any declining left?
27. Oh, I was gonna say let's go get pizza.
28. Are you absolutely sure you don't want to take a break?
29. Just checking.
30. I'm kind of worried about you.
31. We ran out of coffee.
32. Starbucks is closed.
33. The dining hall is closed, you just missed it.
34. You don't have enough money for takeout.
35. I am well rested and more than ready for this final!
36. Oh, man, that was harder than I thought it would be.
37. You look really tired.
38. I don't think you need to study that much, you should go to sleep.
39. Well, maybe if you had gone to class and done the work you wouldn't be cramming the day before the final.
40. It's your fault really.
41. The quiet floor in the library is full.
42. We're having a party tonight because we're done with finals -- wanna come?
43. You're still studying?
44. If you cram too hard, you'll forget everything.
45. So, I'd stop studying and come out with us, just for a hour!
46. I knew you'd come around!
47. OMG, you only got that on your final?
48. Maybe you shouldn't have gone out with us.
49. And you probably should have studied more.
50. Better luck next semester!
Good luck with finals, everyone!