Let's just take a minute and think about this for a second. A Broadway show about Alexander Hamilton has taken over my life? Who in a million years would've thought that I would care about information such as whom Hamilton was in love with, or where he was killed. Yet here we are ready to sell our souls for tickets that are hundreds of dollars to see a 2 hour and 45 minute show about the face on the $10 bill. How did this happen?
1. You hear about it.
Most likely from the internet. The internet knows all.
2. Your friend gets obsessed.
Sept. 25, 2015: the date that changed everyone's lives. The day the cast album was released.
3. You finally sit down to listen to it.
If you didn't cry once in the second half of the soundtrack then you did something wrong.
4. You listen to it again.
Because what else are you going to do with your day?
5. ...And again.
Technically this counts as studying history, right?
6. And one more time just to make sure you heard everything.
If you think you've heard everything go and listen to it again. You hear something new every time you listen to the soundtrack.
7. You stalk all of the cast members on every social media site.
Really there are no such thing as boundaries. I mean, how would you know what "Groffsauce" is or "We're in the play." If you don't know what i'm talking about you should do a little bit more stalking.
8. You learn all the words.
What do you mean I don't need to know how to count to nine in French?
9. You're convinced you can rap.
"Guns and Ships" isn't as hard as you thought it was going to be to learn...HA, Just kidding you stayed up all night listening to it on repeat to get it perfect.
10. You freak out when you receive a $10 bill.
Your friends know that if they want to make it through the day without hearing a "Hamilton" reference they should give you change in fives and ones.
11. You start using the lyrics in your everyday life.
The lyrics end up as captions for photos, good comebacks or even witty conversation starters.
12. You enter the lottery every day, along with the rest of the world, and cry when you don't get one of the 21 tickets available.
Yeah, this is self-explanatory.
13. You're prepared to sell your organs for a ticket to see the show.
With ticket prices going over $1,000 you might have to sell two organs.
14. You have seen every "Ham4Ham" show.
It's a necessity to see what creativity Lin-Manuel Miranda graces you with that day.
15. You blurt out random facts about Alexander Hamilton and his life to make conversation with your friends.
Your friends probably tune you out, or have learned how to shut you up.