13 PS2 Games That Need To Be Remastered Immediately
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13 PS2 Games That Need To Be Remastered Immediately

13 PS2 Games That Need To Be Remastered Immediately

This past May, I was ecstatic about picking up the remastered limited edition of "Final Fantasy X/X2". I spent an embarrassing amount of time replaying one of my favorite childhood games, but at the end of my binge, I felt kind of cheated. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful, but I am sick and tired of hooking up my old, nearly indestructible console just to hide away for a weekend of nostalgia. I need more! Here are thirteen games (in no particular order) that should be remastered and released as soon as possible.

1. Crash Bandicoot: Cortex Strikes Back, Nitro Kart, The Wrath of Cortex, Tag Team Racing. I want it all. While we're at it, let's make Coco fully playable at anytime, not just the cutesy little levels where she rides a tiger cub.

2. Spyro the Dragon: A few of the games featuring this snarky purple dragon had a lot of technical glitches when it came to graphics. A new edition would fix all of that up. "Enter the Dragonfly" was super short, which was also disappointing, but let’s look on the bright side, that would make it super easy to combine all of the Spyro games into one.

3. "Tekken Tag Tournament 2": In my humble opinion, this is the best of the Tekken series. It had fully customizable combat and character outfits before it was popular.

4. Family Guy: I love playing "Family Guy The Quest For Stuff" on my phone, but it's just not the same. Playing this game (when my parents were sound asleep) was one of the highlights of my adolescence.

5. "Celebrity Deathmatch": Most of these characters have been through at least one stint in VH1’s "Celebrity Rehab" by now, but "Celebrity Deathmatch" was one of the most fun (and yet another inappropriate) games I played. The remastered edition should feature additional content. Kim K and Kanye West vs. Beyonce and Jay Z = a (death) match made in heaven.

6. "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus": Despite being the cutest protagonist ever, Sly and his two pals took on the strangest villains like Sir Raleigh the Frog and the Voodoo Queen Mz. Ruby. How can you not miss such colorful villains?

7. "Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3": Admit it, you used the create-a-skater to turn yourself into a skater. If you're anything like me you may have even convinced yourself you could skateboard. And finally...Best. Soundtrack. Ever.

8. "Fight Night": If Tony Hawk convinced you that you could skate, then Fight Night definitely made you think you could fight. You settled arguments and sibling rivalries with this game.

9. "Shadow of the Colossus": The gameplay was incredible, the landscapes were dreamlike, and you might have even felt a weird sense of sympathy for the Colossi you had to kill. Well, those graphics actually suck compared to what we have today and I want to relive all of it. Also, we need to be able to upgrade that bullshit weapon.

10. "Prince of Persia": While I prefer the "Sands of Time", the entire series should be brought back. The games were epic enough to spawn a movie that didn't even come close to doing it justice. So, just remaster the series and we'll call it even.

11. "Tomb Raider": Yes, I am aware of that there is a new "Tomb Raider". I have that game and it scares the crap out of me. That first scene where Lara is hung upside down next to dead bodies? Yeah...how about no. I want the old "Tomb Raider" back.

12. "Bloody Roar 4": HYPER BEAST MODE! Seriously, though, what other game today lets you turn into a killing boxer/bunny rabbit or tiger or wolf!? The realistic blood and violence earned this installment it's first Mature Rating, which is nothing compared to what we could do with this game today. Oh, the possibilities!

13. "Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge": Yes, PS2 had a game where you could explore Halloween and Christmas Town. You could buy and upgrade weapons as well as help Sally and other character with side missions. The world needs this and the works already been done for the most part, all we need to do is make is PS4 compatible.

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