10 Patron Saints Every Catholic College Student Should Know
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10 Patron Saints Every Catholic College Student Should Know

Sometimes we need a little extra help.

10 Patron Saints Every Catholic College Student Should Know

Most of us college students find ourselves drowning in all our responsibilities. Between class, studying, work, stressing over our less than stable financial situations and trying to manage a social life while getting enough sleep at night, we have a lot on our plate. The stress of college can be overwhelming and we can often use an extra hand, spiritually. It’s easy enough to remember to call on our earthly family (friends, roommates, family, etc.) for prayer, but it can be easy to forget to ask the same from Christians in heaven who have already had their sanctification completed.

Below is a list of saints that every Catholic college student should keep handy. They are ready to flex their spiritual muscles for you and come to your aid!

1. Technology, Computers, and the Internet - St. Isidore of Seville

Yes, you’re reading this right; there is, in fact, a patron saint of technology, computers and the Internet. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

2. Lost Things - St. Anthony of Padua

"Dear St. Anthony, come around! Something's lost and can't be found!" I am not kidding when I say I call on St. Anthony at least once a day. He hasn’t failed me yet! (Fun fact: I also call on him when I start to lose my mind...you think I'm joking but seriously when you feel like you're losing it, a prayer to St. Anthony could help you out)

3. Writing - St. Francis de Sales

Struggling with writing your paper? Got a bad case of writer’s block? Brainstorming for your next written presentation? St. Francis has your back.

4. Finances and the Home - St. Joseph

Because every college student needs a little help with their finances and family relationships.

5. Procrastination - St. Expeditus

The irony of St. Expeditus’ name and his designation as the patron saint against procrastination is almost too much to handle but wow I wish I knew about him while I was struggling through the last few weeks of my 2015 fall semester.

6. Scholars - St. Thomas Aquinas

A Student’s Prayer by St. Thomas Aquinas:

"Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man, living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever. Amen."

7. Lost Causes - St. Philomena

For when everything (and I mean everything) is falling apart.

8. Test Taking - St. Joseph of Cupertino

Because if you are anything like me, you know that test taking is actually the worst thing ever – and you’ll take all help that you can get (also, apparently St. Joseph of Cupertino could levitate while praying so that's kind of cool).

9. "Her Little Way" – St. Therese of Lisieux

Yes, I know St. Therese is actually the patron saint of missionary work but her "little way" is so relevant to every human person that I decided to include it anyways. St. Therese is known for her "little way" of loving people: “I applied myself above all to practice quite hidden little acts of virtue; thus I liked to fold the mantles forgotten by the Sisters, and sought a thousand opportunities of rendering them service (Story of A Soul, Chapter VII).” Translation for the everyday college student: Little acts of love are just as meaningful as big ones. We don’t have the time to do great missionary work but we do have the time to be nice to someone who irritates us, to listen to someone when they need to vent and to be kind to those who don’t necessarily deserve it. Simple? Yes. Easy? No.

10. For Anything and Everything Else (seriously) - The Blessed Virgin Mary

She is the Queen of all saints and the mother of Jesus; she knows exactly what we need.

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