What If You Could Have A Super Power? | The Odyssey Online
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What If You Could Have A Super Power?

Maybe having super powers is not what it is cracked up to be!

What If You Could Have A Super Power?

Do you remember when you were eight years old and you tried jumping off the bed while pretending to be Superman or Supergirl? Did you ever want to soar through the skies or lift a table with just your finger? Or maybe you've wanted to understand what your dog has barked about for the last five years. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if had the abilities of your favorite comic book super hero? If you have, read on, but it might not be what you were thinking.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could fly through the skies without a care in the world? Airfare would be a thing of the past! Say goodbye to airport security--although there would be a lot of traffic in the Troposphere. But at least you can avoid Domino’s and get a slice of real Italian pizza or, if you feel a little lazy, you can stop by New York for the next best thing!

Control Time

What if you could control time? You could make it so that you would never age or go freeze time to give yourself more time on a test. Better yet, you could go back in time and actually learn history not from a textbook! Of course, there is that small chance that you might change the course of history, causing your parents not to meet--which means that you were never born. You may disappear from history, but it was fun while it lasted.

Read Minds

Now this is a power that I think that just about anyone would want to have. I mean, who would not want to read minds? There would be no secrets or surprises and you would always know the truth. You could find out that your boyfriend was cheating on you with your best friend. Then you could realize that your other best friend knew and kept it from you because she hated the both of you as a couple. Eventually your friends could find out that you can read their minds, which causes everyone to abandon you. At least you know the truth, right?

Super Strength

You will be the strongest person around! No one will mess with you, even the school bully who now trembles at your feet! You can do all of the heavy lifting with no help at all and impress everyone with your strength. Eventually you will become obsessed with fitness and open your own gym, while still impressing everyone by benching 700-lbs (and that is you not showing off).

Super Speed

You could be next Barry Allen, just without the arch nemesis bent on destroying your life. Think about it, you could break every Olympic running record while stilling holding that 9-5 job. Never again will you be late for work or school! Just remember to set that alarm clock!


Imagine if you could heal anyone with the touch of your hand! You could cure humanity’s greatest ills, all while collecting the Nobel Peace Prize.


Are you forbidden from entering the hottest nightclub in the city because you are not 21? Don't worry! You can just turn invisible and sneak right in without anyone even noticing. Of course, you may need to get some clothes first! You do not want to get kicked out for public indecency!

Talk to animals

Be the next Dr. Doolittle or Eliza Thornberry! Better yet, be the real dog whisperer! You could tell the world what animals actually want to hear, becoming the world's representative for animals. Just do not get jealous of your friend for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, you convinced the world that global warming is in fact real and stopped deforestation. But, come on, he cured the world of disease!

What would you do if you had super powers? Would you crash and burn while trying to help the world or would use it to only help yourself? Maybe having super powers is not what it is cracked up to be. Sadly, the superhero life is just a pipe dream!

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