Your college years are supposed to be the best four or five years of your life. They're filled with parties, new friends, and wild adventures. Sometimes though, it's great to go home. You get to see some of your friends, your parents, extended family members, and your pets. People always ask me, "Why do you want to go home? Aren't you having fun in college?" Yes, I love college. I love everything about it so far, but missing and wanting to go home is nothing to be ashamed about, and here's why.
I was never used to being away from home. I'm very close with my mom, my grandparents, and of course my friends. Moving to a new place where I would be greeted by thousands upon thousands of new faces was a lot to handle. The first few days, I was extremely homesick. I wanted to go home and never come back.
Although I graduated high school a year ago, I can't help but want to go home and experience the best parts of my senior year all over again. Dating someone that is a year younger is difficult since they are still experiencing high school, but being able to come home for the little things and seeing their makes the drive worthwhile, even if it is just for a few hours.
Having a roommate was something I never experienced and certainly was not expecting to be too difficult to get used to. Seeing the same person for almost your entire day is sure to spark fights. Sometimes, getting away and going home is the only way to avoid conflict.
As much as I like my bed at school, there's nothing I love more than my bed at home. Being abnormally tall and confined to a Twin XL bed is awful, but having the freedom to go home and spread out in my big bed in my own room is definitely worth it.
Going to college nearly anywhere, you can attest to the fact that dining hall food is awful. I was so used to having the freedom to cook whenever or make brownies at midnight if I wanted. Living in a dorm makes this impossible. Being able to have a home-cooked meal instead of mystery meat, bugs in my lettuce, or having everything covered in oil feels absolutely amazing!
Dorms suck. Having practice early in the morning after everyone went out the night before is hard. People are often up screaming until two or three in the morning. Being home allows me to sleep peacefully and through the whole night without annoying girls yelling at the top of their lungs down the hall.
College classes are hard. End of story. Going home feels like a well-needed vacation where I can relax and focus on getting back on track in my classes. Laying in bed, studying at home versus laying in bed at school, I feel like I always get more accomplished since there are far less distractions.
As much as I love school and all the experiences and opportunities it has opened me up to, sometimes it is great to get away and go home every once in a while. Whether you feel the same way or would rather stay at school living up your college years, going home every once in a while is definitely worth it!