10 Reasons Why Pugs Are The Best Dogs Ever
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10 Reasons Why Pugs Are The Best Dogs Ever

Warning: cuteness overload.

10 Reasons Why Pugs Are The Best Dogs Ever

Have you ever wanted unconditional love? Endless cuddles? Warm embraces? The answer to your wants and needs comes in a fifteen pound package, in a three letter word, in a fuzzy best friend. The answer is: a pug.

Pugs are undeniably the best pets in the entire world. If you are one of those people who does not appreciate the majestic nature of these regal creatures, then stop reading my article and go away. You do not deserve my words. For the rest of you, I will now explain why pugs are pretty much the most magical canines to roam this earth.

1. They are freaking adorable.

Let us start with the obvious. Tell me that you can look a pug in the face and not realize how cute and fluffy they are. Sure, their faces look like they got steam rolled, but c’mon…they’re adorable.

2. They come in multiple colors!

There are apricot pugs and fawn pugs and black pugs and albino pugs and brindled pugs! So many people think that pugs are just simply fawn colored. These people have obviously not researched pugs to the same extent that I have.

3. They’re super chill.

If you are looking for a dog who likes to run ten miles and play Frisbee, pugs are not your ideal breed. HOWEVER, if you want a puppy to cuddle with for the entire day and night, accompanied by gentle snoring, then pugs might be for you! They are totally fine with "Netflix and Chill" and lazy Sundays.

4. They’re really playful.

Contrary to what I literally just said, pugs can be pretty playful. What can I say? They are versatile! They may not be down for a game of fetch, but they will engage in tug-of-war and hide-and-seek any day. Have you ever seen anything more adorable than a pug running around your house yapping and trying to figure out your hiding space? No. The answer is no.

5. They are loyal as hell.

No seriously, pugs are like your own personal shadow. During the French Revolution, it is rumored that Fortune, Empress Josephine Bonaparte’s beloved pug, carried secret messages for her from her prison cell. Incidentally, this is the same pug that bit Napoleon when he tried to…erm…honeymoon with Josephine. Point being, they are loyal…perhaps to a fault.

6. They are actually pretty good guard dogs.

Another fun historical fact for you avid readers! William I was actually saved by his pug Pompey during an attempted assassination. Throughout history, pugs have been known to bark at fires, intruders, and any type of danger. The fun thing is, pugs do not generally bark at squirrels or leaves blowing in the wind, so if they do bark, you know things are going down.

7. They have been around forever.

Pugs are one of the oldest breed of dogs, dating back to about 400 BC. Now please, take a moment and ask yourself: Why would a dog be bred for such a long time? BECAUSE THEY ARE FREAKING AMAZING, THAT’S WHY! The end.

8. They look quite dapper in sweaters.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. I mean, look at him. So cute.

9. A group of pugs is called a "grumble."

A GRUMBLE! Can you get any more cute than that?

10. They are constant entertainment.

Whether they are trying to chase their ridiculously stubby tail or running into things because of their inability to comprehend depth perception, they are hilarious to watch. They are not the smartest dogs on the planet, but they are very silly. In fact, just the other day, my pug was sitting by the window staring at something so, obviously, I got down on my knees and followed his line of sight until I was promptly blinded by the sun. I was wondering why his vision seemed to be getting worse lately…

My point is, pugs are pretty much fabulous. They are majestic and loyal, fun and playful, cuddly and adorable. You really can’t get much better than that. I mean, hey, there is a reason that Empress Josephine kicked Napoleon out of her bed so her pug, Fortune could sleep there.

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