I believe everyone comes to the point in their life where they say, "I can't wait to leave this place," as if they are convincing themselves there is nothing here for them anymore. Granted, I have said that phrase more times than I could possibly count, but why? I get so caught up in daydreaming about bigger and better places that I convince myself there is no real value in my hometown anymore.
I come from a small, close-knit town known as Claremore, Oklahoma where I have grown up my whole life. All through high school, I convinced myself that I would move out of Claremore the first chance I got. Funny thing is that the chance never came. I made my life utterly miserable because I never embraced the mark my small town had on me. I could not tell you how many times I complained about being "stuck" in my hometown and how dull it made my life seem.
I never embraced the value, unity, and love that was within my community until recently. I realized that it was my fault that my life felt so miserable, not my town's. We often hold ourselves to a standard that says we have to live in a big city full of life and entertainment to enjoy life, but that is not necessarily true. Dream as big as you can and strive for the best, but do not miss out on the season you are currently in. If you are searching for something bigger and better to determine your happiness you may never find it. There will always be something bigger and better, but finding satisfaction wherever you are will bring you ultimate joy.
Don't have that mindset that living in your hometown is the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is that you lived your whole life without enjoying it. Better your attitude, and better your hometown. Do not live your whole life wishing for more and missing out where you are now. I realized I am much happier and satisfied now that I have made the best of where I am and what I have.
It does not matter how big or small your hometown is, just enjoy it and soak every moment in because one day you might miss it. Stop looking for something better because you need to learn how to be content in every aspect of your life. One day you may find better elsewhere, but what if you create better here right now. I promise, you will be much more satisfied with life when you learn to enjoy every moment in the place the built you. You will always have a hunger for something bigger and better, but who is to say that does not mean you can be happy in the now. Stop complaining. Start doing. Make the best of what you can in your hometown and joy will find you.
“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” ― Henry David Thoreau