A Preview Into What Philosophy Can Do For You
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A Preview Into What Philosophy Can Do For You

"Philosophy is at the root of all knowledge." -- XKCD 903

A Preview Into What Philosophy Can Do For You
The Thinker

Philosophy is seen as a pretentious field that lacks the ability to relate to the general public. I'd like to challenge that notion by giving a diverse cast of philosophers that helped to change my perspective of life while giving insight as to what it means to be a decent human being. Here's a collective list to help get you started.

1. Judith Butler

Claim to Fame: Queer Theory and Human Rights advocacy

Published Works: Gender Trouble, Bodies that matter, Undoing Gender, What’s Left of Theory

Other Involvements: Pussy Riot

More about Judith Butler

Quotes by Judith Butler

Judith Butler’s revolutionary takes on feminism, and the ideas of ethics allowed for the progression of gender equality and advocacy of fully encompassing human rights. Her work is monumental and fundamental when understanding queer theory and the principles of feminism. Don’t knock it until you try it!

2. Fifth and Fourth Century BC China

Claim to Fame: Confucianism, Taoism, Philosophy of War, I Ching (Toa Te Ching) , Yin and Yang

Notable Philosophers: Laozi (Lao-Tze), Confucius, Fuxi, Zhang Zhou

Famous Ideas: Filial Piety and the development of relationships within a world view

It’s hard to narrow down the Chinese philosophers in this time period because they all have starkly different philosophical ideals, yet greatly influenced the emphasis on nature, relationships, and spirituality. Confucius, Laozi (Lao Tzu), and Sun Tzu are all notable figures with distinct belief sets and have works that still influence modern day philosophy with various reincarnations.

3. David Hume

Claim to Fame: Determinism and Skepticism

Published Works: A Treatise of Human Nature, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

More about Hume

Quotes by Hume

While Hume’s work is deemed to be highly controversial when it comes to free will and metaphysics, the concepts he deals with have heavily influenced modern thinking when dealing with skepticism as a whole.

4. Michel Foucault

Claim to Fame: Biopower, Sexuality, Education, Punishment, Genealogy

Published Works: History of Sexuality, The Birth of the Clinic, Discipline and Punish

Other Involvements: Feminism, Queer Theory, Normativity, Race Relations

More about Foucault

Quotes by Foucault

Foucault’s involvement with how we view power structures and government systems revolutionized political theory and social constructs. Another great resource that deals with paradigm shifts is Thomas Kuhn.

5. Plato

Claim to Fame: Forms, The Republic, The Cave Analogy, Pederasty

Published Works: Republic, Symposium, Apology

Other Involvements: Aristotle, Socrates

More about Plato

Quotes by Plato

While there are hundreds of more notable thinkers out there in the world, I felt the need to pay homage to those whose works have quite literally defined me. For a more extensive list, feel free to check out these links:

10 Badass Philosophers

Tumblr's Ridiculously Long List of Philosophers

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