Whether it is for a quick bite with friends or an extravagant dinner with family, our world seemingly revolves around food, and in particular, where we are getting it. According to FDA's Fall 2014 Recount, there are 633,043 restaurants in the U.S. alone (the number has since risen). Even with such restaurant names as A Salt & Battery, Mustard's Last Stand, and Lord Of The Fries there still remain some eateries out there whose names either don't quite fit what they really are or most people call them by a different name.
Applebee's or "half off App's."
"Yes, we will have one of everything -- oh, and we will all be drinking water." Go ahead and be a baller on a budget when everything that is worth getting is half off. Who even goes to Applebee's before 10 p.m.?
Taco Bell or "drunk/high food."
It is two in the morning, you're tired, you're drunk, and you're so out of it, but only one thing will make your night and ruin your morning. This is most definitely not a meal fit for a king, which is why after a long night of playing the role of jester, Taco Bell is a drunk or high person's paradise.
McDonald's or "Mom, can we please?"
Every has had the moment of asking this question with a slim chance of it being a yes. But, hey, you're a grown person now and you no longer need to ask. Now the only question you're asking is, "Can you spot my money for McDonald's?" Besides, what are golden arches anyway?
In-N-Out BURGERS or "Heaven."
OK, maybe this is not what many people call In-N-Out, but this is the feeling these wonderful restaurants give you when you bite into a burger. Simply put there is not better feeling, even philosopher's would say this is a sublime experience.
Dunkin' Donuts or "Wait, there's no Starbucks?"
Not a knock on Dunkin', but it seems more and more Starbucks have taken control of the coffee game, thanks to the help of white-girl nation. Though whenever there is no Starbucks in sight, a Dunkin' will more than get the job done, besides can you get munchkins and Coolatta at Starbucks?
Cheesecake Factory or "yes, please."
Would you like some fresh bread? Yes. Would you like dessert? Yes. Do you want help standing up after your meal? Yes. No matter the question, it is always yes at this place. Nothing compares to the bread and cheesecake, heck, why even order an entree here when the main events are either free or for dessert.
Friendly's or "middle school concert."
Middle school concerts or any junior high event for that matter always ended up here. What is more welcoming to a bunch of pre-teens than ice-cream and chicken fingers? Nothing, and that is probably why you have not stepped foot inside this place in years.
Diner or "create your own."
You name it, they got it. Not on the menu? Not a problem because your wish is their command. Whether you want a burger at 8 a.m. or pancakes at 2 a.m., they've got you covered.
Home or "your cooking dojo."
Whether you are a five star or a half-a-star chef, there is no kitchen like your own. They say home is where the heart is, but I think they meant home is where the fridge is. Nothing compares to a home cooked meal, so whatever you may call your own kitchen, it doesn't matter as it is your place to conjure up whatever concoction you came up with today.