Every year when it's time for school to start back up, we find ourselves in a new grade. This inevitably means things are going to get a little bit more challenging. After high school, the majority of people end up going to college, and once again, they find themselves as the fresh meat. But don't worry, the entire new freshman class is going through all these different emotions together.
We have all been in your shoes and we know it is not fun. I’m here to tell you the ins and outs of being a freshman:
We all have had them. Try and make the most out of the living situation. Sometimes the living arrangements are not ideal, but there is nothing worse than hating your roommate. That makes for a very long and frustrating year.
Being homesick.
If you are normal, you will probably experience some homesickness. Some people will experience this more than others, and you just have to try to help the best you can. Let me tell you, it is ABSOLUTELY OK to call your parents. I am a junior, and I still call my mom everyday.
Remember those free lanyards that you got at freshman orientation? They may seem convenient, but in all reality, it just helps everyone else weed out the freshman. Don't wear them.
The size of your backpack.
Freshmen can be notorious for going to class on the first day with every supply and its mother. Ideally, all you really need is a folder, a spiral notebook and a few pens. Computer optional.
Campus maps.
(Applies to freshman and transfer students.) We can tell you are lost, and eight times out of 10, we are just going to carry on with our business and pay you no mind. Every once in a while, we are nice and will help you.
When you ask, “What’s the move for tonight?”
Most of the time, you just look stupid. This signifies to us that you are fairly new to campus and you have no idea where the fraternity houses are. If it is a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, just know that there is a frat somewhere off-campus throwing down.
Large groups going out at night.
Most of the time, there are large groups of friends that go out together. If your group exceeds more than seven or eight people, you are drawing too much attention to yourselves. If anyone is going to be stopped by the cops, it will be your group.
Drinking in the dorm.
We have all been there, but be sneaky about it. What I mean is, do not be super loud or blare your music. This draws attention to your room and most of the time, an RA will knock on your door and inquire as to what is going in. If you get caught, you will be written up in a heartbeat.
Be mindful of what you say around others.
One of my best friends was an RA in a freshman dominant dorm. During the day, RAs have classes, too, so they are not dressed in the clothes that they would wear while on duty. She constantly heard about kids drinking in their rooms. Be aware.
There are many more things that come along with being a freshman, but as time goes on, you will learn. Just remember that everyone has been through the same thing. If you get nervous or need help with something, feel free to ask.