In August, I will be moving into my dorm at the University of Tennessee as a freshman. Being known as "that Christian girl" at my high school, everyone in my class was pretty shocked when I announced I was attending UT. Would I not be going to a Christian college?
I'll be completely honest: choosing a Christian college would have been easy. I no doubt could have done that, and I no doubt would have been comfortable there. But, being a Christian and following God's plan does not always equal comfort. God never calls us in His Word to be comfortable; He never commands us to do what will be the most simple. What He does tell us to do is follow His Will. We see in the Bible when Jesus was praying in the garden, while He knew death was obviously not what was comfortable or simple for Him, He knew what the Father desired of Him was most important. I decided to follow in His footsteps in my college search.
I always said when I visited the college God wanted me to attend, I would feel the peace of God that passes all understanding as soon as I stepped foot on that campus. My older sister went to a Christian school, and honestly, in the back of my mind, I always thought I would end up going there too. Then, I visited their campus and felt the opposite of peace. I was a little shocked, but I continued in my search because I knew He had a reason for me not to go there.
I grew up in East Tennessee and going to UT football and basketball games, so it was the last school I visited. It almost seemed like a waste of time since I had been there a lot already. I went on a visit anyways, and I am not joking when I say as soon as my foot hit the ground getting out the car I felt that peace I kept talking about. From that moment on, I knew I would become a Vol.
I would be lying if I said I am not nervous of what is to come. No doubt, Christians are not always the most popular group on a public university campus, but I was placed there by God. He will take care of me and make a way for me to be used by Him. If I am not the one to show the love of Jesus to UT's campus, then who will?
All of this is to say, if you are a Christian at a public university (or even a Christian school for that matter) and feel outnumbered or too intimidated to speak up for what you believe, stand strong and be bold. Please know that you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is within you and ready to use you to spread the Gospel. Not only that, there are many other Christians in the same position as you are, and as High School Musical put it, "We're all in this together."