100 Things I Will Tell My Future Daughter
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100 Things I Will Tell My Future Daughter

100 Things I Will Tell My Future Daughter

I am only 19 years old. I still have a decade more of mistakes to make, people to meet, heartbreaks, and good times before I start a family of my own. But so far, with 19 years under my belt and countless dreams of what my future will be like, I cannot help imagining what kind of life I will have and what kind of person I will become.

I guess we all wonder about these things from time to time -- most of my friends already have their futures figured out. They know what job they will have, where they will live and even know what they are going to name their kids. I may not have much figured out at this point in my life, and I surely don't know my future daughter's name yet, but I do know what I am going to tell her as she grows up.

1. Keep a journal.

2. Take pictures.

3. Never cut your own hair.

4. Don't pull at spit ends.

5. Eat clean -- you will feel better.

6. You are above nobody and nobody is above you.

7. Friends come and go. Family is forever.

8. Whenever you don't know what you are craving, it's always ice cream.

9. Don't let a scale dictate your life.

10. No one else is responsible for the decisions that you make.

11. Listen.

12. Take care of people, even if they don't take care of you.

13. Always say what's on your mind.

14. Choose your battles wisely. Sometimes, turning the other cheek is better in the long run.

15. Take everything in moderation, including moderation.

16. There is nothing that a hot shower cannot fix.

17. You can like both cats and dogs at the same time.

18. Don't ever honk at people at stop lights -- it's rude.

19. And if somebody honks at you, giving them the finger is okay. They asked for it.

20. Only some mistakes are not worthy of second chances.

21. Soda has a lot of useless calories.

22. Green tea is always the better option.

23. Buy cheap clothes, not cheap shoes.

24. Join a team.

25. People change.

26. Organic is worth it.

27. Clean up after yourself.

28. Always have a book to read.

29. Don't settle.

30. Anything you don't like you have the power to change.

31. There is a difference between modesty and putting yourself down.

32. Labels and stereotypes are wrong. Never judge a book by its cover.

33. Don't pick a boy over your friends. Ever.

34. Be open to trying new things.

35. Any day above ground is a good day.

36. Tattoos are permanent, and everyone is going to want one at some point.

37. It's harder than it looks and it's easier if you practice.

38. Study for every test, even for the ones you think you don't need to.

39. There are people out there in this world that are fighting to keep you safe. Don't forget about them.

40. You will never regret working out.

41. Eat lunch with company as much as you can -- food brings people together.

42. It's just a bad day, not a bad life.

43. Pierce your ears as many times as you want. Nobody can really see them, anyway.

44. Never get back together with an ex.

45. Believe in something. It can't hurt.

46. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

47. Foods that have short expiration dates are better.

48. It is better to be healthy than skinny.

49. Someone is going to break your heart, but you will get over it.

50. Don't burn bridges.

51. Try a new hair style. Why not?

52. Sometimes, people don't end up with their soul mates.

53. Making time for yourself is good, but making time for others is great.

54. Everyone is fighting some type of battle.

55. If your friends say he is bad news, don't go there.

56. Be safe. Make good choices.

57. Cleanses and detoxes are just fads -- you get results with consistency.

58. Drink more than eight glasses of water a day. Way more.

59. Play a sport and an instrument.

60. Have a hobby -- something you love and can keep up with for the rest of your life.

61. If your friends don't treat you like you deserve, get new ones.

62. But always treat people with kindness.

63. Tip well.

64. Keep a calendar.

65. Remember people's birthdays.

66. You can do anything you put your mind to.

67. Sing in the car. Sing in the shower. Sing even if you don't know the words.

68. Keep your friends close, and enemies far, far away.

69. A positive mind leads to a positive life.

70. Don't sweat the little things.

71. Travel.

72. Online shopping is not a hobby or a sport.

73. You don't need that last shot.

74. I promise.

75. Don't discriminate against music genres. Country music is good. Country music is great.

76. Peanut butter goes well with almost everything, including just a spoon.

77. It's okay if you suck at math. I do, too.

78. Never forget to say thank you.

79. It's never too late to try new things.

80. Go to bed early on week nights.

81. There are no such things as "boy colors" and "girl colors."

82. If you think somebody needs a friend, be one.

83. Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.

84. Sometimes it's okay to run away.

85. A lot of the time, it's okay to stand up for what you think is right, even if nobody else is.

86. In the end, you know what's best for you.

87. Make time for yoga -- it will do you some good.

88. Eat meals full of different colors.

89. Don't confuse wants with needs.

90. Material items make you happy for a minute.

91. Every song can be your favorite song.

92. Chocolate is its own food group.

93. You is kind, you is smart, and you is important.

94. Everyone is different.

95. Be the best person you can be.

96. Movie nights are the best nights.

97. Somebody has it worse.

98. Don't waste your youth.

99. Change your style as many times as you want.

100. Keep Chapstick with you at all times.

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