I can't speak for all of you, but if you're as neurotic as I am, your laptop's current desktop background was chosen carefully, and it says a lot about the current state of your life. After careful consideration, I have broken it down into the following categories.
1. Artistic Painting Background.
You like to think of yourself as creative. Maybe you're actually into art, or maybe you just think it's pretty- either way, you're probably a laid-back person, trying to soothe your sensitive soul.
2. Inspiring Quote. 
“Over achiever" doesn't even begin to describe you. You're so Type A that you practically sweat caffeine. You're never seen without your laptop, and you live and die by your Lilly Pulitzer planner. You have at least two meetings after class and your life motto is “If I don't do it, it doesn't get done". Bonus points if you have a coffee mug bearing the same quote.
3. Minimalist Theme.
You try to keep things simple, and you like them to be just so. Clutter in any area of your life overwhelms you, and you try to avoid frivolity at any cost. You insist that you're easy to please, but little does anyone know that you spent at least 20 minutes on designlovefest.com looking for the perfect minimalist design.
4. Group of Friends. 
You are very grounded in your home values. Your friends mean the world to you, no matter how crazy you get. Having their picture as your background serves as a constant reminder, that you never have to fight your battles alone.
5. Photo of You and Your Significant Other Kissing.
Unless you're married or engaged, you're probably a tad too invested in your relationship. You never go out unless your significant other will be there too, and you lose your mind if they don't text back within 20 minutes. You like to minimize application windows during class so that everyone can admire the image of your lip action. Bonus points if it's a prom photo with your high school sweetheart.
6. Nature Shot. 
You love traveling and being outdoors. You're the first to suggest a camping trip, and you're one of those disturbed people who actually like 10-mile hikes uphill. You probably have “save our forests" stickers on the outside of your laptop case.
7. Sports Wallpaper.
“Fanatic" doesn't even cover it. ESPN is constantly on in your living room, and you retweet the Bleacher Report like it's your day job.
8. Plain Blue Default.
Either you're on a school computer in the library, or you're just that boring. You probably own lots of L.L. Bean sweatshirts and Crocs.
9. Artsy Close-Up Shot.
You're either really into photography, and took this shot yourself, or you pulled it off of Tumblr. You're late for everything, and you go to Starbucks a minimum of 5 times a week. What can you say? You have your priorities.