#ExplOregon Winter Adventure in Corvallis | The Odyssey Online
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#ExplOregon Winter Adventure in Corvallis

#ExplOregon Winter Adventure in Corvallis

Start out your new year by getting outdoors! Whatever way you choose to adventure onward, 2015 is the year to seek out new destinations, meet new people, and make new memories. Begin here on the home front by embracing all that Corvallis, Oregon and the surrounding areas offer. Don't let those winter blues keep you from all that this endlessly alluring valley has to offer. Rain or shine, a few hours outside taking in fresh air and unforgettable sights is a sure way to get your academic priorities on track. The following are a few of the many worth-visiting locations in this outdoor wonderland.

Chip Ross Park

For spectacular views close to home - peering right over Corvallis, visit Chip Ross! On the far north side of Corvallis, this is an awesome park loop to bike or walk. This stroll is short (1.5 miles), sweet, and adored especially by the family community in the Willamette Valley. You'll be surrounded by lush green forest and breathtaking glimpses of the ceaselessly beautiful Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountains.  For a simple trip outdoors and the specific Corvallis brand of beauty you'll recommend to others, check out this great park. For more information visit Corvallis Parks and Recreation. 

Terwilliger Hot Springs 

This is one adventure tip that you'll regret passing up. The Terwilliger Hot Springs are located about 50 miles east of Eugene, and although it is a short trek to get there by car, there is no other more satisfying way to spend a cold, and potentially snowy winter day. Nestled in the Willamette National Forest, there are six natural hot springs to choose from. Not only can you take a dip in these Mother Earth given hot tubs, you will also be surrounded by a deep green of woodland to put a finishing touch on the entire ambiance and make you really feel like you're one with nature. 

Open all year, check out directions and specific information here at Willamette National Forest Service

Mary's Peak

A top destination in the Willamette Valley, Mary's Peak is the highest point in Oregon's Coast Range. This winter, the peak has seen its fair share of snow, and if you're up to the occasion take on the small trek and check out the breathtaking views from the top of the peak. On a cloudless day you can catch a panorama of the spectacular Willamette Valley, Cascade Range, and the Pacific Ocean. Mary's Peak is also a designated Scenic Botanical Area and never fails to impress our beauty seeking eyes. If presented with the chance, take advantage of the seemingly endless trails in the area. The road to the peak is open all winter, and a short drive away, this is one destination you don't want to miss out on experiencing. Check out US Forest Service for more information. 

William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge

Located 15 miles south of Corvallis is this endlessly alluring twist of trails that range from 0.4 miles long to 2.5 miles long of wildlife natural habitat, open for all of your outdoor adventure needs. Providing the perfect setting for wildlife watching, be prepared to view some of the more than 230 recorded species of birds, Roosevelt Elk, western pond turtles, and so much more. Incredible hikes, surrounded by a plethora of different public use activity facilities, this park is a must-go destination for tourists, hunters, fishers, and wildlife photographers, so why not join the talk and head down to see the incredible sights that the William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge has to offer. For more information please see the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service William L. Finley Website. 

Alsea Falls

Although this destination is not within the Corvallis city limits, it's a must for all of you who need a short trip away from the college atmosphere, and an easy way to enjoy the most simple pleasures of the area, including old growth forests, wildlife, and great trails to explore. Located between Corvallis and the Oregon Coast on the alternative route to Waldport, Alsea Falls Recreation Site is a prime site to camp during peak seasons.  The North Fork Alsea River fish hatchery presents ample opportunities to view some amazing wildlife. During all seasons of the year, Alsea offers up to 6 miles of Natural Surface trails that allow for scenic hikes to fix all of your adventure needs. The Alsea Falls never fail to impress all types of visitors, and you'll definitely want to check out this great trail system. See more at The Bureau of Land Management.

Oregon possesses numerous and beautiful places to explore.  Go outside and experience the beauty that these spots bring to our beloved Oregon. 

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