So, Internet, I have a little secret to share with you (though it's not actually a secret; I'm pretty much an open book): I have never been in love, or a romantic relationship, or on a date, or really any romantic situation that society says I should have experienced by the age of 20. Actually, though, I am pretty content with my life. The real secret is that sometimes, I'm not OK with it.
Once I crossed the threshold into my twenties, these thoughts and feelings bothered me more and more often. Facebook has morphed into this veritable pit of social anxiety fears; I see relationships and marriages swirling around me, which only drives me deeper into the hole of "surely there is something wrong with me." I feel that because I haven't had this one experience that I am somehow less than other people that have. Those of you with a similar situation have probably felt the same way. You study yourself in the mirror, you pick apart bits and pieces of your personality because you believe that certainly something must be wrong with you. What else could it be? You fall in love with stories, lines of poetry, sunset views, and works of art because you have so much feeling, and you think you have nowhere to place it.
Of course, you do have a place for it: in your friends, family, career, hobbies, etc. So in lonely moments like those, I remind myself of everything else that fills my life. I am getting a degree in a field that I adore; I am surrounded by colleagues, family, and friends that support me and care about me. I find my bliss in my singing, writing, traveling, and making art (though for me that just means origami and coloring). I remind myself that I am still so young with so much left to see and do. My existence is enriched by countless experiences that have nothing to do with being in a romantic relationship. Then I remember not to worry too much. I believe that if you are honest with yourself about what you want out of life, then you will get there. Sometimes it's by hard work, and sometimes there are things you have to leave to Providence. Whatever may be, I know that I do not lead a lonely life; I live a life full of love.
We live in a world where it seems like we have check off a list of experiences in order to call ourselves human. That's ridiculous. So if your lack of so-called "life experience" diminishes your worth, remember this: You are a person, you have always been a person, and you will continue to be a person who is worthy of love and happiness and success. You are living right now, and that is enough.