Avid followers of the musical theatre world have been swept away by Lin-Manuel Miranda's incredible show "Hamilton." Fans have certainly gotten creative. Here are my favorite times of the "Hamilton" fandom:
When they totally had Hamilton pegged:
And referenced this vine while doing it:
When the fans were honest about their obsession:
All the mashups with "Parks and Recreation"
And Retta (AKA Donna Meagle) said what we were all thinking
Of course when they compared it to "Harry Potter"
Sorting the main characters into the appropriate Hogwarts houses:
When a revolutionary guest-starred on the Corny Collins Show:
The time someone rewrote Lafayette’s rap in “Guns and Ships” to puns about bread
And someone drew a comic for it:
When this person did a very interesting and extremely impressive rendition of “Guns and Ships”
When someone matched the character’s quotes from the show to the actual men’s portraits:
This work of genius:
And finally...
This touching tribute to the show’s namesake:
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