The infamous bucket lists have long been around to help people fulfill their wildest dreams and reach challenging goals. Bucket lists can give someone goals to aspire and look forward to; they may even help us set goals that we wouldn't normally set. Some people may not take bucket lists seriously and think that those of us who set “unrealistic” goals are setting ourselves up for failure. With that being said, I agree to disagree.
When most people think of bucket lists, they think of elaborate, world-wide adventures filled with crazy, life-threatening risks. However, these lists can also include simple experiences that are equally as rewarding. This past summer, my best friend and I made a short, spontaneous bucket list, and it was one of the best decisions that we could have made. Instead of making a list of goals to accomplish throughout our lives, we made a more achievable list with our goals for the next eight weeks. Rather than filling our short-term bucket list with expensive travels and skydiving (although those are on the long-term list), we filled it with activities like going stargazing, eating ice cream at an old-fashioned parlor, and giving each other high fives in Little Five Points. Not only did this experience strengthen our friendship, but it also allowed us to have a semi-legit reason to fulfill some of our crazy ideas.
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Creating and completing a bucket list not only made us feel accomplished but also taught us a few things along the way. Here are the beauties of a bucket list: