The first few weeks of being in a sorority can be overwhelming between small talk and trying to remember hundreds of new names and faces. Then, suddenly, you make your first real friend and everything in the universe feels right. This is a big thank you and shout out to that person, you know who you are.
Thank you for not being weirded out by my enthusiasm so early on.
When we first met, I was so excited to have someone to sit at things with and walk to chapter with that I texted you all the time asking if you wanted to meet up and get dinner all the time.
Thank you for posing with me for photos so I had something to post on Instagram. ![]()
If I didn't get a cute picture at the event "throwing what I know," was there even a point in me going? Thanks for being in those pictures with me so that people think I'm social.
Thank you for not shying away from my hugs and cuddles. ![]()
If we're going to be real sisters, that means I'm going to hug you at least three times a day and probably hold your hand in public. Get used to it.
Thank you for listening to my existential rants and still wanting to hang out with me.
I've never felt closer to you than during our late night talks and confessing all my secrets to you just makes our friendship that much more awesome.
Thank you for staying in with me and eating and only feeling a little lame about it.![]()
You bring the Netflix and the throwback jams playlist, I'll bring the junk food and the face masks. Should we be attempting to make more friends?
Thank you for loving all the same movies and TV shows as me and quoting them endlessly.![]()
Because there's nothing more awkward than quoting something only to have the other person stare at you as if you're insane.
Thank you for texting me the second that new merch comes out so we can freak out about it together.![]()
OMG so cute! We're gonna look so cute!
Thank you for being my dance partner at every social and date party.![]()
Bonus thank you for saving me from any creepy guys that may try to corner me at any point.
Thank you for not changing when we accidentally wear the same shirt...and sweatshirt...and headband...![]()
When our closets are made up of 75 percent of the same Greek apparel and event shirts, we're probably going to end up matching multiple times a week. Thanks for thinking it's funny and not embarrassing.
Thank you for studying with me so I don't flunk out of college.![]()
Anything, even flash cards and study guides, can be (almost) fun when we're doing them together.
Thank you for spending so much time with me that people start to wonder if we're together.![]()
Too bad that we're both boy crazy or else we'd plan the best wedding in the history of weddings.
Thank you for supporting me in everything, even when it means we're apart.![]()
Because real friends are the ones that will text/Snapchat you every single day when you decide to leave them on their own for a whole semester.
Thank you for planning out the rest of our lives together (beginning with our room decor and ending with how our daughters will both be legacies).![]()
All the canvases, all the time.
Thank you for always being excited to see me, even if it's just been a couple of hours.
Nothing feels weirder than a day that goes by without us hanging out.
Thank you for cracking me up every day with your ugly Snapchats.![]()
You know that I think you're the most beautiful person alive, but you have a power to make your face look all kinds of scary.
Thank you for being your weirdest self around me and letting me do the same.![]()
Friendships are defined by the moment when I stop thinking before I speak and throw my crazy filter out the window.
And finally, thank you for being right by my side, from the very beginning.
You're one of a kind and I can't imagine my life without you.