We all choose different themes for our Bid Day. But no matter what you wear, or how you wear it; any Bid Day theme will always show the love you have for your sisters and new pledge class.
New Bids On The Block
This “punny” take on the late 80s boy band’s name “New Kids On The Block” is a classic bid day theme. You are fun, crazy and not afraid to show your true colors. Strutting around bid day in neon clothes and 80's styled garments does not faze you. You rock that look and love it. Keep on keeping on.
Camo / Army:
You are able to take a classic male look and make it trendy; your sorority is basically the Dianne Keaton of sorority row. Taking a fashion risk is an everyday occurrence for you, so why not take a risk on bid day? Camo/ Army theme shows that you are laid back and wanting to be comfortable at any moment of the day, while still looking fashionable.
Let It Be (Insert Sorority Name Here)
As an homage to the classic Beatles song of the same name, this classic bid day theme can almost always be seen by at least one sorority on campus. This 60's theme is almost always coupled with flower headbands and cute face paint; this bid day theme shows the mellow side of Greek life, while still being fun and bright. This theme says you are laid back and ready to have a chill/fun night with your amazing new members.
Games and prizes anyone? A Carnival or Circus bid day theme shows that your sorority is not afraid to bring out their inner child. With candy, popcorn and plenty other carnival themed food and games, this is a fun way to get to know your new members. Having a Circus themed bid day shows that you are fun, energetic and really sweet while at the same time ready to have fun and not care who sees.
The Classic Sorority Theme
You don’t need a theme to help your new members have the best bid day ever. Your theme is your sorority and the amazing sisters you have. By not having a theme, you are daring to stand out. You are welcoming your new members into the greatest sisterhood they will ever experience, and the only theme you need is that of your sorority colors.