In 2002, the world was given one of the best superhero films of all time: Spider-Man. This glorious franchise reigned supreme until the last installment in 2007, and we all know what happened after that. In 2012, a new version of Spider-Man was released: The Amazing Spider-Man. This new franchise only lasted two films and ended in 2014 with less than stellar reviews. Now, in 2016, yet another version of the superhero will be introduced to the public in Captain America: Civil War in preparation for the new Spider-Man film coming in 2017. With all of these changes, it is clear that the original Spider-Man in 2002 was the one that got things right. Everyone remembers the perfection that was Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. However, there was another actor at the heart of those first films: James Franco. Sure, these new films can try to find some hipster to play Harry Osborn, but he will never be on James Franco’s level. Here are a few reasons why Spider-Man films are pointless without James Franco:
EntertainmentApr 05, 2016
11 Reasons Why Spider-Man Movies Are Pointless Without James Franco
In a world full of Spider-Mans, there is only one Harry Osborn.