This past weekend, Delta Gamma held its annual Anchorsplash at the University of Maryland's indoor swimming pool at Eppley Recreation Center. A week of philanthropy, fun and grilled cheese sales called Splash Week culminated in the final event of the week, Anchorsplash.
Delta Gamma raised more than $4,000 from Splash Week events and Anchorsplash, which then went to Service for Sight, an organization founded by and for a Delta Gamma sister with a visual impairment that focuses on helping the visually impaired and the prevention of blindness.
In addition to raising money for Service for Sight, the sisters of Delta Gamma also tried to raise awareness in the Greek community of the pervasiveness of visual impairments in our society. At their biannual grilled cheese sale (which raised over $1,000 alone), lollipops were handed out to attendees that had facts about visual impairments attached to them.
“Visual impairments are not normally in the spotlight, making them seem insignificant," sophomore Beatriz Guevara said. "We want to bring attention to the fact that they affect so many people on both small and large scales."
Additionally, Delta Gamma hosted a Beautiful Eyes penny wars contest in which sororities nominated and submitted a picture of a woman in their chapter with beautiful eyes. Using coins, people voted for the girl with the prettiest eyes, not only raising a significant amount of money for Service for Sight, but also giving Delta Gammas the chance to educate others about visual impairments as they cast their votes.
Delta Gamma held even more contests at their annual Anchorsplash on Saturday, in which 14 fraternity teams coached by DGs competed in relays, a biggest splash contest and a synchronized swimming and dancing competition. Alpha Sigma Phi eventually won the competition and were crowned Anchorsplash champs.
During “Save a DG," a heart-pounding relay in which a DG sits in an inner tube and gets pushed across the pool by two fraternity men as quickly as possible, the teams' roars filled the entire pool area, even attracting attention from passersby outside the glass walls of the indoor pool.
The teams' efforts were judged by a few Maryland athletes, including men's basketball forward Jake Layman. Everyone, including the panel of judges, was so pumped watching the teams' dance routines, which featured songs like Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter, 50 Cent's Candy Shop, and I Just Can't Wait to be King from The Lion King. Let's just say that some of these men could Gamma so well, they would make for a nice modern George Banta.
All in all, Splash Week and Anchorsplash were roaring successes, and Delta Gamma can't wait to bring back this amazing tradition next year!