Cocktails Under the Stars in NYC
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Cocktails Under the Stars in NYC

Cocktails Under the Stars in NYC

With summer fully upon us and most internships having already begun, college students everywhere are flocking to the city that never sleeps to spend their days in offices and their nights spending money like they already have real jobs. Whether it’s after-work drinks or a night under the lights of the city’s tallest building, below are seven rooftop bars in the Big Apple to check out this summer.



Park Rooftop.

Set on the 20th floor of the Gansevoort hotel, this rooftop bar features fireplaces, wrap-around terraces and a pool. Stick around when the weather cools down because this bar is heated and open all year. You can sip on cocktails in one of the bar’s six distinct venues while you enjoy unhindered views of the Empire State Building. 420 Park Ave. S.

2. Tonic East. Tonic East is a multi-level venue with a rooftop bar. Hang out on one of the bar’s lower levels, and take in a game on one of many HD flat screens, then make your way up to the rooftop for cocktails as you take in the Manhattan views around you. 411 Third Ave.

3. Birreria. Travel to Italy without ever leaving Manhattan. Located on the rooftop of Eataly, Birreria is a beer garden that offers light Italian food, a wide variety of beer and beautiful park views. 200 Fifth Ave.

4. Sky Room. As the city’s highest rooftop bar, Sky Room offers 360 degrees views of New York City and the Hudson River. Sitting atop the 33rd and 34th floors of the newly constructed Fairfield Inn and Suites, this lounge has five distinct spaces, including one with a retractable glass roof so guests can enjoy the magical views of Times Square all year round. 330 W. 40 St.

5. Refinery

Rooftop. At the top of the Refinery Hotel, guests can enjoy drinks in the

summer or under the retractable glass roof when the temperatures begin to drop.

No matter the season, the views of the Empire State Building are some of the

best around. Whether you are on the outdoor terrace or on the indoor-outdoor

patio, be sure to try the signature cocktails, which focus on the combination

of all-natural ingredients. 63 W. 38 St.

6. Gallow Green. Amongst enchanted gardens filled with lush greens and vintage train tracks, you will find Gallow Green on the rooftop of the supposedly haunted McKittrick Hotel. Newly reopened, this bar features live jazz music and a redesigned cocktail menu. 530 W. 27 St.

7. Hotel Chantelle. There’s nothing like brunch Manhattan-style. At this hotel, you can do it on the roof. Styled to evoke the feeling of a Parisian garden, Hotel Chantelle serves brunch during the day and live jazz music at night under the stars or the fully retractable glass roof. 92 Ludlow St.

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