There are moments in life where you often have to take a step back and think about everything that has happened. Today, right now is one of those moments.
The age of 20 is often overlooked. You’re no longer a teenager which is pretty cool, but that’s about all that happens. You’re stuck in that awkward phase, waiting to be 21. As I sit in my dorm room with a floor covered in balloons, procrastinating from doing my homework, I’m left wondering what I’ve learned during these past 20 years. I have stories behind each of these, but here are 20 things that I have learned throughout my 20 years.
1. Family is everything.
2. It’s not failure that matters; it’s what you learn from it. Don’t beat yourself down when you do fail; it happens to the best of us. College definitely taught me that.
3. Teachers are some of the most amazing and influential people that will ever be a part of your life.
4. Weird nicknames often stick, and sometimes people will be calling you that terrible nickname years later. Darn all who call me Shortney.
5. You never know when you’re going to meet someone that will become your best friend. Whether it’s your randomly assigned freshman roommate, the guy that hates on your dancing at a square dance, or a lab table that turns into way more than three hours a week hating chemistry.
6. Always be yourself. This is hard, but you’ll find people who love you for you. Those are the best people.
7. First impressions are important, but they’re not everything.
8. If you really love someone or want to keep in touch with someone, distance doesn’t matter.
9. Heartbreak sucks. Everything about it. The tears, the wobbly knees, the moms already plotting revenge. It’s brutal, but love makes it worth it.
10. People walk in and out of your life, and as much as you don’t want it to happen, you can’t stop them.
11. Always hug your parents when you see them. They’re not perfect, but they love you and do everything for you.
12. Always do a quick mirror check before leaving the bathroom. I once had toilet paper stuck in my skirt that would lead to the most amusing moments of my high school career.
13. Learn about your past and your family from your grandparents before it’s too late. Grandparents have been through so much and have so much to tell if you’re willing to ask them and listen.
14. Hard work will get you places. Whether it’s the college of your dreams, or that summer job you’ve always wanted, if you work hard, you will go places.
15. Being perfect is highly overrated. This also goes for being tall.
16. Know your priorities, but don’t forget to have fun. Go to that game or see that concert. Experiences and memories are things that you can never get back. Take advantage of every opportunity. If you’re debating doing something, you should probably just do it because if you didn’t want to do it, then you wouldn’t be having the debate in the first place.
17. Forget about your comfort zone. Just go for it, do literally whatever you can without fear.
18. Things will always eventually get better. Sometimes you have to wait. But the beauty at the end will make everything in between worth it.
19. Growing up isn’t everything it’s made out to be.
20. One day you’re going to find a group of people who mean the world to you. You’ll think that you found them in middle school, and again high school, but you will most of the time be proven wrong. I am blessed to say that I think I’ve finally found my people, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
All in all I’ve learned a lot throughout my years, and this is only a little piece of it. The only thing that I know for sure is that I have never felt this loved in my life. I have found the people that matter most to me, and I am so glad that I’ve finally made it to this spot. I’ve had some amazing surprises just in the past few days, and I thank everyone who was a part of that. Life is meant to be lived, so cheers to the years and birthdays to come! That much closer to being 21!