The 10 Places You Have To Check Out In Georgia | The Odyssey Online
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The 10 Places You Have To Check Out In Georgia

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The 10 Places You Have To Check Out In Georgia

The Varsity, Coca-Cola, Margaret Mitchell, the World's Busiest Airport, the most humid summers known to mankind and the most awful traffic you can ever be in: these are just a few things I think about when I have Georgia on my mind. Then again, Georgia is always on my mind. Thanks, Ray. So now that Georgia is a ripe old 283 years old, it's time to look at all the best parts of Georgia that you should definitely visit sometime soon.

1. World of Coca-Cola

The new World of Coca-Cola opened on May 2007 and since then has been a staple piece to anyone visiting Atlanta. If you haven't been then what are you waiting for? It showcases Coca-Cola's long history in the industry and it has more Coca-Cola samples than you could imagine. Samples! It's a fun activity for everyone and anyone.

2. Cumberland Island

Cumberland Island, Georgia's largest and southernmost barrier island, is a great getaway. Cumberland Island has beautiful beaches and you may even spot some wild horses roaming around on them. It's rich in history, seeing that the Carnegie family once owning 90% of the island. You can camp on Cumberland Island, too. Just make sure you call a bit ahead; it's a popular spot.

3. Jekyll Island

Before or even after you visit Cumberland Island, you should make a stop at Jekyll Island, another island with beautiful beaches and rich with history. Take a bike ride along the beach and all your worries will just melt away for the time being.

4. Covington

If you are a fan of southern history, then Covington is the place to visit. If you are also a fan of movies and television shows, then Covington is seriously the place to visit. About 35 minutes south of Atlanta, Covington might look really familiar. Why? Because what seems like every major television show or movie was filmed in Covington. If you are a fan of "Vampire Diaries," then this is your spot to visit. They even have a "Vampire Diaries" tour, where they take you to all the filming locations.

5. Brasstown Bald

If you are a fan of hiking or being one with nature, then Brasstown Bald is the place to go. As Georgia's tallest mountain, Brasstown Bald offers stunning 360-degree views of Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. It's beautiful no matter what season you decide to visit it in.

6. Helen

After a nice hike up to Brasstown Bald, you can head on over to Helen for a Bavarian experience. In the summer, you can go tubing down the river and finish the day with drinking a nice big pint. Or, you can visit during the fall for Oktoberfest and still enjoy a nice big pint. Either way, you can enjoy that nice big pint.

7. SweetWater Brewery

If you still have beer on your mind after all of this, then you should probably hit up SweetWater's brewery. They offer tours Wednesday through Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The tour costs $10 and of course, you must be 21 years or older. So don't forget your ID!

8. The Fox Theatre

If you haven't experienced the magic of the Fox Theatre then, well, you are really missing out. You have to go see a musical or a band play here at least once and boy is it magical. Absolutely magical.

9. Providence Canyon State Park

Typically known as Georgia's "Little Grand Canyon," Providence Canyon offers gorgeous views and natural murals that defy your imagination. You might come across abandoned 1950s cars which the park cannot remove because of the damage that they would create to the environment. It adds to the quirkiness of the park.

10. Callaway Gardens

Callaway Gardens is filled with beautiful imagery everywhere you look. Whether you are looking for a romantic getaway or family fun day, Callaway Gardens is the place for you to go.

Happy adventuring!

What are some of your favorite parts of Georgia? Put your favorites in the comment section below!

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