Instagram has been one of the most beloved apps across the world, but it only takes one jerk to ruin a great thing. While there may not exactly be a rule-book for Instagram, breaking these unwritten rules is a sure way to guarantee that your posts are being screen-shotted and gossiped about in everyone's group messages.
1. Filters are cool, Perfect 365 is not.
Everyone knows you do not have airbrushed skin in person. Do not end up like John Mayer. No one likes a John Mayer.
2. Your #MCM should only be featured ONCE. That goes for #WCW too.
We know you love your significant other, but trust me no one wants to be burdened by your weekly posts of you kissing.
3. Flexing in the mirror is completely unacceptable.
Go ahead and show off your great, new body with a hot outfit on the weekends. However, shirtless selfies of you making #gainz at the gym gives everyone the right to call you a tool.
4. That also applies to obnoxious life quotes followed by the emoji.
Motivational quotes are great and all, but adding a funky background and cool font does not make them a picture. Sorry.
5. Excessive hashtags make you look #desperate.
6. Do not post ugly pictures of your friends just because you look good.
If you want to post the hot picture of yourself, be courteous and crop out your friend with their eyes closed before they send you an angry text about how fake you are.
7. Snapchats are for Snapchat.
Enough said.
8. Ditch your paragraph long captions, no one reads them.
9. If you do not post a picture of you and your friends at a significant event, you were not actually there.
Sure you "went" to the National Championship. Why did I not see an Instagram?
10. But most of all, do not even think about posting more than one Instagram a day.
If I scroll though my Instagram feed and see the same picture of you in a different pose, that gives me the right to throw you the dreaded “Unfollow.”