With Thanksgiving being just around the corner, I think it's time to talk about the more serious issues surrounding the holiday. Food. Yes, food. Everyone gets so excited about the turkey and stuffing and blah, blah, blah -- but they forget about the real star of the meal. And that is mashed potatoes. The unsung hero, the side of all sides, the champion of the Thanksgiving Day meal. This holiday should be all about.
1. Mashed potatoes leave no secrets, they are literally mashed potatoes. And that's just awesome.
2. Let's face it. Potatoes are amazing in all forms, but mashed takes the cake. Boring stuffing? No thanks, I'll stick with my potatoes that are MASHED.
3. You can literally pair them with anything- corn, green beans, soup, ice cream? And they still taste delicious. And you can add just about anything to them, salt, butter, sour cream, cheese, and you're still just like, wow!
4. Lumpy, chunky, smooth, any kind, any way, they're still incredible.
5. Gravy is like the hot fudge to an ice cream sundae- it just makes it taste that more magnificent.
6. Let's not forget that by dishing it out in scoopfuls, you have complete power to get as much as you want.
7. You can eat it over and over again and never get sick and tired of it. You're set for two weeks worth of breakfast, lunch, and dinners.
8. You can eat seconds, thirds, even fourths, and never get full! Well, that's the dream at least.
9. You anxiously await to see who is designated to bring the potatoes for that year, because Aunt Peggy clearly makes the best.
10. As Thanksgiving approaches, and everyone talks about how much turkey and stuffing and yams they're going to consume, all you can think about is the glorious infinite amounts of mashed potatoes that will be sitting there, awaiting your arrival.
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