1.You text, call, or Snapchat constantly.
You and your sister may have been close before, but when you grow up and move away from each other daily tasks like going to the gym, going to a new organic grocery store, or the cute dog you saw are must tells. You talk to her more, now, than you ever did when you lived under the same roof.2. You gossip about the weird things your parents do.
“Dad just texted me to tell me he was working” or “Why is mom not smiling in any of her Instagrams?” are normal phrases you two share constantly. You love your parents, but question just how bored they are without any kids in the nest.
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3. Countdowns to when you get to see one another become a real thing.
Whether there is a countdown on your phone, or you have annoyed all your Twitter followers with update tweets, you know you have exactly three months until you get to see her.
4. Reunions are more like you and her talking non-stop for six days.
You have so much to catch up on! There isn’t enough time in the world for all of the stories of college you have to share with her! Is anyone else even worthy to hang out with you two? Probably not.
5. Your conversations become more real.
Are you and him serious? How’s the job/internship hunt going? Can you have kids please so I can be an aunt? These are all real questions that will happen in everyday conversation.
6. The two of you binge watching a new series together on Netflix and drinking your favorite wine, more, will happen more often than it should.
7. Presents become household items.
“Yes! These are the exact hand towels I needed in my kitchen! You are the best sister, ever!”
8. You guys plan fun activities together instead of hanging out with your own friends.
“Sorry, I can’t hang out tonight -- my sister and I are going to First Fridays together, then spending the rest of the night eating food truck food”
9. You send her papers, resumes, cover letters, or anything else that needs editing because she is the only person who will be honest about your work.
You know that she will rip that paper a part because she wants you to be a better writer. Her harshness is all out of love, I promise.
10. You realize how lucky you are to have an older sister like her.
It is hard enough moving away from all your friends and your parents, but when you have to move away from you sister you realize just how awesome she is. You wouldn’t strive to be your best if it wasn’t for her. You two have only gotten closer throughout the years and you finally see how much she is your best friend.