10 Short Films You Should Watch This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Short Films You Should Watch This Summer

Take some time out on these muggy summer days and treat yourself to a sensory adventure.

10 Short Films You Should Watch This Summer

Magic? Check. Slice-of-life? Check. Dystopian reality? Check. From live-action to animated classic, these are short films you might not have heard about aside from a mere mention somewhere on the Internet. Each one, ranging from adorable to slightly disturbing, paints a vivid picture that is a testament to the talent that went into their development. So take some time out on these muggy summer days and treat yourself to a sensory adventure.

1. “The Reward”

A torn treasure map sends two men on the adventure of a lifetime. Warnings abound for some blood and violence.

2. “Proteigon”

This short is everything cool that can be done with stop-motion animation and squares.

3. “The Mary Alice Brandon File”

For all those "Twilight" fans still out there, this short was created as part of the “Storytellers: New Voices of the 'Twilight' Saga” film competition, and tells the backstory of psychic Alice Cullen with a deft hand. While I personally found this to be the best of the created films, those curious can find the others on Tongal.com and vote for their favorite.

4. “Tamara”

In this beautiful short, a little girl dreams of one day becoming a ballerina as she dances around her room.

5. “The Girl Is Mime”

This short, starring Martin Freeman, is about the police interrogation of mime Clive Buckle concerning the recent murder of his wife. All signs point to him as the culprit, yet he remains mute. Not entirely safe for work.

6. “The Maker”

A strange creature races against the hourglass to make the most important creation of his life in Christopher Kezelos' amazing work.

7. “Children”

This dark piece shows the break down of a world of sameness in a terribly disturbing fashion.

8. “Deathigner”

Cute baby Grim Reaper with a talent for fashion design? Sign me up!

9. “Destino”

A collaboration by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney, this classic short film tells the story of Chronos, the personification of time itself, and his inability to realize his love for a beautiful mortal woman.

10. “Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho” (I Do Not Want To Come Back Alone)

This short, with available English subtitles, provides a glimpse into the life of Leonardo, a blind teenager, and his best friend Giovanna after the arrival of new student Gabriel. It was turned into the feature film, “The Way He Looks,” released in April of 2014 in Brazil, which used the same actors as the short and followed the same amazing love story.

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