11 Questions We All Have For Nat Wolff | The Odyssey Online
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11 Questions We All Have For Nat Wolff

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11 Questions We All Have For Nat Wolff
Nat Wolff - Instagram

In preparation of the release of his newest film adaptation, John Green and a few of the cast members of "Paper Towns" went on a "Get Lost Get Found Tour" to promote the movie. Fans voted for their cities to get a visit, and luckily enough my college town of Indianapolis was the first day of the tour. Naturally my best friend and I woke up at four o'clock in the morning to drive down and stand in line in hopes of not only attending this event, but meeting the cast as well. We ended up within the first one hundred people in line, and we were pretty excited about the likelihood of getting great seats. To be completely honest we didn't know what to expect out of this, but we know we wanted to be as close to the front as possible.

After about four hours of waiting in line (in about 90 degree heat), I found myself wandering a few steps out of line to stand under a tree. My best friend stood next to me for a second before an employee dressed in all black came over to us. We thought we were going to get yelled at for getting out of line, and we had already been awake for eight hours so frankly we weren't in the mood for confrontation. Instead, she asked us if it was just us two together and if we had any questions for the cast. We looked at each other, confused, and exclaimed, "YEAH." So she pointed us to walk to the front to sit as VIPs in the front row.

Besides the fact that we were freaking out at our own luck, the reality of talking to one of the cast members was dawning on us and the remainder of the time we waited we realized that there were a lot of good questions we could ask. We are in love with Nat Wolff so we started brainstorming ideas for me to ask him. I'd never thought about this before, but there are a lot of questions that not only we, but I'm sure everyone has for this beautiful man.

1. Nat Wolff, will you marry me?

That one is pretty obvious.

2. What is your ideal woman?

He's been in the game for quite some time, from music to acting since he was a kid. He's definitely met a wide variety of women (many that we are familiar with, like Selena Gomez and Shailene Woodley). I would like to know what he looks for in not only a friend but a partner (wife).

3. Just how naked are your brothers?

Nat and Alex were kind enough to play us a few of their songs, including "Look Outside" from the film's soundtrack, and we were confused by the false advertising of he and his brother's clothing situation.

4. You did a great job playing a blind character in "The Fault in Our Stars," and you really made those shades work.

Okay, not a question, but it needs to be said.

5. How did you become such best friends with John Green?

I'm taking notes.

6. Do you have dinner parties together? Do you babysit his children? Do you have game nights with his family? Do you always search for spiders to kill when you're together?

There's so much I want to know about their friendship.

And the more relevant questions:

7. Do you personally relate to Q, and if so to what extent?

Translation: Have you ever held a girl you hardly knew up on such a high pedestal before, and if so is it me?

8. What was it like working with Cara Delevingne?

Is she as adorable and quirky and fun as she seems? Did you have to wear your shades from TFIOS to take your focus off of her sheer beauty and on to your job?

9. Would you have ever done what Q did for another person that you cared about?

I am curious as to if he would have skipped his high school graduation to help a girl he hardly knew. What about a girl he didn't know? There may be a reoccurring theme here.

10. Would you have reacted differently in Q's situation?

Please tell us your wise insights as to how to handle a runaway Margo.

11. Will you be in every John Green movie?

Seriously, answer the question. This is important.

And finally the question I actually asked him:

"I know you kind of talked about your personal experience in relation to Quentin, but I was wondering how you personally felt about why he did what he did throughout the novel and his adoration towards Margo."


But like the beautiful human being he is, Nat responded, "Yeah I mean I think he's passionate but also unreliable, you know, and he's kind of...you know...he's so limited you know I think he plans everything out but in a way they're kind of doing the same thing--they're both avoiding growing up. You know at the end of the movie hopefully they both come somewhere in the middle and grow up. For me I... it's weird I feel... I kind of just fell in love with Quentin and Margo when I read the book. You know I saw lots of myself in both of them and I think that's why you guys love the book and why you love all of John's books because he...there's so much humanity in all his characters and they're so complex and any actor would just be lucky to play him. So I'm lucky."

AWH. What a great answer for the half question I gave him!

I personally felt incredibly lucky to have been able to attend the "Get Lost Get Found Tour", and to also have been randomly selected to ask a question. I will never forget the experience and the day Nat Wolff answered my question.


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