It's pretty good in the life of Larry David, where everyday somehow lands at the feet of his cynical perspective and lack of general care for others. Signs you embody the 68-year-old Curb Your Enthusiasm star include misinterpreting everyday gestures, complaining while standing in any type of line, or making a situation worse when you had intended to smooth things over.
1. Watching your friends pregame knowing it's damn well past your bedtime.
2. Feeling too content in bed by 7 p.m. on a Friday like:
3. When you haven't Instagrammed in weeks and aren't stressed about it.
"What's a 'Boomerang'? Do I have to download it or does it appear in front of me when I've metaphorically thrown it?"
4. And you give no excuses to your judgments, even in the summer. Actually, especially in the summer.
Doesn't matter if you've done it; at least you can admit you're an asshole.
5. You stress the redundancy of "fine" when people ask how you're doing to get the shortest interaction possible.
Don't ask how my day was. Why can't we leave it at "fine"?
6. Always being the stubborn one.
7. When your friends start taking shots out of the bottle but you're only one drink deep.
8. You tend to sneak self-deprecating commentary into the majority of conversations you participate in.
9. The wave of relief you get every time someone cancels on you.
Seriously, no one needs the pressure of having to do something.
10. It's no big deal when someone sees you doing something less than charming because you simply don't care what they think.
You also don't apologize for your questionable eating habits.
11. When the only solution to a bad day is to forget it ever happened.
You also know how to deal with ironic emotions like a pro.
12. When you have less of a filter than you thought, and are reminded of that in the worst situation to not have a filter in.
Sometimes you forget people get offended over everything. Who knew?
13. Your priorities are clear, no matter the circumstances.
(Sidenote: you need to watch Larry on SNL's Bern Your Enthusiasm.)
14. When you find that Netflix characters are often better company than humans.
15. When you're not afraid to call someone out, even on the most sensitive of topics.
There goes that filter again!
16. Your everyday facial expression tends to be only bewilderment.
You're worried about optic nerve damage from the obsessive amount of eye rolling you do on a day to day basis.
17. The universe is somehow always working against you.
The timeless wisdom of Larry David's antisocial capacities will prove endearing to introverts everywhere until the end of time.