The Many Faces Of Tony Stark
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The Many Faces Of Tony Stark

Who doesn't love a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?

The Many Faces Of Tony Stark

I'm sure by now that most people have heard of Iron Man, or at least Marvel. For those of you who have not, Tony Stark is the most mystical creature to ever come out of the Marvel Universe. His character is a collection of genius intellect, sarcastic quips, coffee, and just a touch of narcissism and all-consuming guilt. Who doesn't love this brilliant figure, brought to life by Robert Downey Jr.? With three Iron Man and two Avengers movies, we have seen many different sides to Mr. Stark, but have you noticed them all?

The Genius Tony Stark

This is the face we've all seen. All Tony really wants is to be buried in his lab surrounded by his toys (aka extremely difficult to understand schematics and technological inventions). In reality, Tony is really just a little kid, but aren't we all?

The Responsibility Adverse Tony Stark

No one can avoid responsibility indirectly like Tony Stark. Though he will step up in the end, he drags his feet just like the rest of us. What's life without a little procrastination and avoidance of menial tasks?

The Sassy Tony Stark

Ah, sassy Tony. The highlight of nearly every Avengers and Iron Man film. Mr. Stark is just a never ending stream of sarcastic comments and jokes. Captain America once asked Tony if everything was a joke to him. Why yes, Captain, it is indeed.

The Choir Conductor Tony Stark

Tony Stark absolutely kills it as an entertainer. From humor, to captivating an audience with a speech, it cannot be denied. From the looks of this gif, it seems that Mr. Stark took some time out of his busy schedule to try his hand at another form of entertainment; conducting soulful music!

The "Why Is No One As Smart As Me" Tony Stark

Ugh, Tony we totally get it. No one could possibly compare to your intellect. He's constantly three steps ahead of everyone else. Good thing Tony was an only child. Can you imagine trying to argue with a sibling like that?

The Angsty Teenager Tony Stark

Tony Stark, self-declared rebel. Band t-shirts and jeans? Loud rock music? He fits the outfit of that My Chemical Romance song perfectly (insert eye roll here). But really, how can you have any fun without challenging authority?

The Obnoxious, Pre-Kidnap Tony Stark

I got to admit, this is one version of the man I don't like. With no concept of the destruction he caused with his weapons, Tony was only concerned of himself and his power. Though I wish he didn't have to go through what he experienced in Afghanistan, I think I speak for everyone when I say, good riddance!

The "I Just Got Owned" Tony Stark

Aw, poor Tony. We've all seen him in this dejected state at least once. I'm sure he'll be fine if you put Pepper Potts, coffee, or some form of technology to fiddle with in front of him!

The Serious Tony Stark

*Swoons* Robert Downey Jr. sure knows how to play the hero! Look at that determined face! I just wish it wasn't hidden by the suit so often. Go save the world Iron Man!

The Over-Dramatic Tony Stark

This may very well be the only reason Tony Stark wears sunglasses. For the sole purpose of being able to whip them off over-dramatically at every opportunity. The drama is all a part of what makes Tony, Tony!

That's not nearly all of the sides of the multi-faceted Tony Stark. He is such a complex character, only Tony can really fully conceptualize Tony. Confusing, I know, but who else would be brilliant enough? I guess we'll just have to continue to observe from the outside. Not that that's a hardship, I mean, look at that smile!

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