Looking back on my childhood, it's safe to say that Drake and Josh was one of the funniest and timeless shows that I will never forget. Plus, I'll also never forget the countless lessons that these two bickering brothers (and their friends and family) have managed to teach me about dealing with siblings.
1. Sometimes you have to just go with it.
I mean, crayon? C'mon!
2. Learn how to deliver a solid comeback.
Ooooo, burrrrrrrn.
3. Remember to bring up their stupidity whenever you can.
Hahahaha #neverforget.
4. When they tell you you're cool, don't question it.
I'll try not to ruin it next time.
5. You should probably listen to your sister every once and a while.
Keep in mind that listening doesn't imply actually doing what they say.
6. Pretending you don't exist is sometimes the best thing to do.
Josh: Maybe if you wouldn't have responded to "I love you" with "see you in chemistry," you wouldn't be in this situation.
7. You have to learn to be okay with their quirky tendencies.
No matter how annoying they may be.
8. At some point, you'll just start expecting things.
That eye roll though.
9. They only make fun of you out of love.
Well, most of the time.
10. Sarcasm is the key to dealing with any situation.
Yeah, I'm sure that will scare the intruder away.
11. Learn to forgive and forget.
Or just forget.
12. Be okay with the fact that their priorities will always be different than your priorities.
No matter how much you try to convince them that you think it's stupid.
13. When in doubt, blame them.
They probably did it anyway.
14. But most of all, never forget...
To love them no matter what.
***Many episodes of Drake and Josh were watched in the writing of this article.***