I started my first job when I was 15-years old. I remember I wanted to start working as soon as I could because I wanted to have my own money. I got a job working for Vito’s, an Italian Restaurant in my hometown, when I was in high school and continued working there on breaks during college. It taught me many things, working there, and it ultimately shaped me into the person I am today.
Growing up with them:
I was 15 when I started. I had just started high school. I didn’t know who I was yet. Although I’ve always had a good head on my shoulders, I was still influenced by others that were older than me. I wanted nothing more than to be friends with all of them. Because I was the baby of the crew, they all took care of me. They were there with me through all my successes in high school and even now in college. My school talent shows, school musicals, graduation, etc. - they all supported me. I even worked more than I was home, it felt like.
Professional Skills:
Working in the restaurant teaches you more skills than you realize. Before working there, I was a shy child. By waiting tables, it makes you open up because you are constantly talking to people and making sure they’re happy with everything. It helps with memorization because you have to know what’s on the menu and what the prices are, and also everything extra your customer asks you to bring them. It helps with leadership because sometimes you have to train others how to do your job. You learn how to multitask really fast. You learn how to count money. You may even learn some cooking tips. I never knew how much I learned until I looked back at my previous self and saw how much I have stepped out of the shell I was living in.
Above all, they’re like my family. We’re all very close. As much as it sucks, we’ve seen many people come and go. It may be hard to let new people in, but once they are, they become just as much a part of the family, too. I am so grateful to them for growing with me, teaching me and shaping me into the person I am today. I cannot thank my bosses enough for letting me have a job when I come back on breaks. I wouldn’t have been able to afford college without them.
As I get ready to start my big-girl job now, I will never forget how my first one helped me prepare for my life ahead of me. I want to say a big thank you to them because without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.