I admit it: I know nothing about politics. But, I am familiar with two things:
1. College students really like Bernie Sanders.
2. Donald Trump sucks.
A lot of political conversations I encounter discuss these two candidates, and I just smile and nod until the topic changes. However, I sometimes can contribute by mentioning an amusing meme or Photoshopped picture of Trump I found. One time, I even introduced my friends to the video of the little girls creepily cheerleading for Donald Trump, which led them into a deep discussion about propaganda in the U.S. versus North Korea (you can also say that I couldn't contribute much to this conversation either).
Before Election Day comes, I will be sure to educate myself on the presidential candidates so that my vote is actually serious. But for now, I will get by with listening to political discussions, focusing on school, and looking at funny Trump memes online. And do you know what else comes before Election Day? Valentine's Day. And what can be a better description of Valentine's Day than Donald Trump GIFs?
1. On February 14th, you wake up like:
2. But you get up anyway and try to make yourself a lil' extra hot, just in case you run into that special someone.
3. In line at the dining hall, you run into your crush and mumble a bunch of jargon, so you run away saying, "I gotta pee, bye."
4. Then you go back to your room and sulk for a little while.
4. And think to yourself: "My mom says I'm a nice person, so shouldn't everyone else think that too??"
5. After a while, you finally remember how awesome you are, and people who think you're a weirdo are just missing out.
6. You call up all your lady friends to come over, and then you guys talk about your feelings for the next four hours.
7. You order ten boxes of pizza and make friends with the delivery guy.
8. And you eat until you feel like trash.
9. But you don't care because you're with your homies, aka the best people in the world.
10. There's no one else you'd rather be with, and you know you're doing Valentine's Day the right way.
'Cause there ain't no party like the Republican party...
As long as Donald Trump isn't a part of it.